Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2017-05-23 in Barnet with a green tutu.

Barnet, Baby! (Post #7629)

Helloooo, darlings! Emma here, your favourite pink tutu-clad ballet blogger, ready to take you on another whirl-wind adventure. Today, we're venturing beyond the Peak District, swapping rolling green hills for the urban sprawl of London, and, of course, there's a pink tutu involved!

This little birdie flew north, escaping the hustle of my Derbyshire studio, by the most elegant method, of course - train travel. There's nothing more romantic than sitting back, a glass of bubbly in hand (because, why not, it's a special day!) and watching the countryside fly by. I dreamt of pirouettes and plies, the wind whipping through my hair (okay, it was probably the air conditioning, but I like to dream!).

A Tutu-fied Trip to the City

Arriving in Barnet, I felt an immediate spark. I love London's energy, and this town has its own unique charm. A haven for foodies, a hub for independent shops, and - best of all - a little ballet school right around the corner from my cute and quirky hotel!

Speaking of cute and quirky, I, naturally, chose a pink tutu for this trip. A soft, ruffled dream in blush pink, with delicate feather details. The perfect combination of girly and graceful. This tutu screams "London adventure", don't you think?

Tutu Talk

After settling into my hotel room, adorned with fairy lights, (because, seriously, who can resist sparkly decor!), I dashed off to my chosen ballet school - "Barnet Ballet". The energy here was vibrant, with young dancers full of dreams, working on leaps, pirouettes and perfecting their technique. There's something so inspiring about watching the young ones practice, you know? It reminds me why I dance, why I write, why I try to share my love of ballet with the world.

My mission, as always, is to inspire more people to get twirling. It's more than a hobby; it's a feeling. It's about expressing yourself through movement, pushing your limits and celebrating the joy of moving your body.

I tried out a class - an advanced level this time, just for a challenge - and wow! My body was already aching in the best way possible. Even though I live and breathe ballet, it never ceases to amaze me. You feel like a warrior princess, a graceful goddess, a complete powerhouse.

And you know what? My heart was overflowing with joy after that class. Ballet is my drug, it’s my passion, it's my everything. It makes me feel alive, so alive, and it’s wonderful to share that with other dancers.

Tutus and Theatre

Next on my agenda: the glorious London theatre scene. Now, you wouldn't catch me at the opera (sorry opera lovers!) but ballet theatre? I’m absolutely hooked! There's just something so mesmerizing about seeing professional dancers perform, their movement echoing my dreams of the stage. Tonight, I was fortunate enough to see a stunning performance of "Swan Lake" at the beautiful Sadler's Wells Theatre.

The costumes, the set design, the emotion and storytelling through dance. It was breathtaking! My inner ballet princess swooned!

More Than Just a Tutu

Evenings aside, London holds a whole host of delights - cute cafes, independent shops, even a delightful wildlife park where I had the pleasure of watching the animals, their graceful movements just as impressive as any ballet performance! There’s beauty to be found everywhere, you just have to open your eyes and look for it!

A Little Bit of Home in London

The highlight of this little escapade, though, was definitely the impromptu meet-up with a fellow ballet-lover! Turns out she’s also a massive fan of my blog and loves wearing pink tutus, so we practically bonded instantly.

Turns out, she even made a pink tutu version of her own, to wear at the theatre tonight! Imagine, two pink tutus at Sadler’s Wells, spreading our message of joy, fun and beauty. That, my friends, is what life is about!

We shared stories, our dreams, our passions. In the heart of London, I found a fellow tutu-loving, ballet-obsessed soul and I am forever grateful!

Ballet for Everyone!

Remember my motto: ballet is for everyone. No matter your age, shape, size, or ability, you can experience the wonder and magic of dance. There's a tutu waiting for you, a dance waiting for you. And let's be honest, we can all learn a thing or two about grace and fluidity from our graceful ballet buddies.

It's not always easy, it's not always perfect. But every twirl, every plié, every leap brings you closer to feeling your best, to reaching your potential. And, like I always say, every day can be a ballerina day if you make it!

So, why not start today? Grab a pink tutu, put on your favourite music, and take a moment to move freely and express yourself. And don’t forget to join the fun at my online home: www.pink-tutu.com

Let's dance!



P.S. Did I mention how absolutely amazing the pink scones at the little tea shop in Barnet were? Seriously, they're enough to make a ballet dancer's heart skip a beat!

#TutuBlog 2017-05-23 in Barnet with a green tutu.