Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2017-06-02 in Catford with a narrow tutu.

Catford Calling! (Post #7639)

Hello my gorgeous tutu-loving darlings! It's your girl Emma here, back from another whirlwind adventure! Today's tale takes us to the rather unassuming locale of Catford, in South-East London. Don't let the name fool you, darling, this little pocket of the city holds a certain charming charm, like a faded but lovely antique!

This trip, my loves, was all about exploring the underbelly of London’s dance scene – think "street ballet" if you will. You know, ballet for the everyday people, out in the open. This, darling, is where my heart truly sings! It's a vibrant fusion of art, movement, and community spirit - not a stiff, uptight "Royal Ballet" to be found!

I journeyed there in the most enchanting way possible - a grand old train. It took me right back to my childhood memories of Derbyshire; the countryside whizzing by the window, the scent of woodsmoke, and the thrill of anticipating where my next adventure might take me. If I'm honest, there's something about the romance of rail travel that beats the modern, efficient train journeys. Plus, it just feels so much more glamorous with my new vintage-style pink and gold tote bag – oh, and it holds a pair of my pink pointe shoes, just in case I see an impromptu ballet opportunity!

Anyway, back to Catford. I stumbled upon a delightful little café called "The Ballerina's Teacup." I was hooked right away. They serve delicious homemade pastries and have a stunning floral wallpaper. Oh, and everything is pink, my loves! The cafe owner, a wonderfully enthusiastic lady called Beatrice, told me all about the local dance scene, including a weekly “Open Mic Ballet” event right in the town square! Now, this is where things got exciting!

The Open Mic Ballet was, dare I say, breathtaking! It felt like the entire community was taking part. It was a mishmash of dancers – professionals, hobbyists, and people who just wanted to get their moves on. Some even brought their own "ballet stage" - think large picnic blankets, adorned with beautiful tapestries! They performed amidst the usual hustle and bustle of a Saturday afternoon - and what a beautiful, messy, and joyous spectacle it was. The music wasn't your typical classical fare either – it was everything from 90's pop to contemporary hip-hop. Imagine "Barbie Girl" played to a ballet version of "Swan Lake!"

There were a few moments that really struck me. A little girl, about eight years old, took center stage and delivered the most powerful, passionate rendition of "The Dying Swan," I’d ever seen. The heart-wrenching emotion in her every movement was just magic!

Then there was this guy – clearly a veteran street performer - doing some amazing acrobatics and incorporating the local pigeon into his performance! The pigeon just strutted around him with an air of nonchalant swagger. It was absolutely hilarious and enchanting!

As the day wore on, I realised this "Open Mic" wasn’t just about dancing; it was about connecting. The space became a melting pot of different cultures and ages, united by the love of dance and performance. You could feel the raw joy and passion pulsating in the air – a truly moving experience!

You might be thinking "Emma, all this sounds wonderful! But how about your tutus?"

My dear, I wore the most glorious creation - a vintage silk number, in the palest shade of pink. Imagine if a cupcake and a delicate flower had a baby… well, that’s what my tutu felt like. It swayed so beautifully as I spun around to the tunes of Catford's own very talented street performers!

Speaking of the "tutu factor" darling, there were only a handful of actual "ballet tutus." I saw a few pink ballet tutus in the mix (naturally, I woo-hooed in excitement!), and one glorious, golden one with a dramatic feather trim that made my heart skip a beat!

My mission to bring back the glorious tutu is, sadly, still ongoing in the big smoke! However, the amazing spirit of the Catford Open Mic reminded me that ballet exists in all shapes and sizes. Even without a “traditional" tutu, the beauty and joy of dancing could be experienced right there in the heart of Catford! It's all about expression, you see, darling!

I left Catford feeling utterly inspired. The whole experience has me rethinking my preconceived ideas of what “ballet” means, reminding me that there’s so much to explore and embrace within this beautiful art form. Maybe it's time for a pink tutu to strut down those bustling Catford streets!

I'll leave you with a reminder to explore, embrace the unconventional, and let the beauty of dance move you in whatever way it can.

Stay gorgeous,

Emma xx

#TutuBlog 2017-06-02 in Catford with a narrow tutu.