Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2017-06-06 in Middleton with a feather tutu.

Middleton Mayhem: Feather Tutu Fun!

Post #7643

Oh, my darlings! You won’t believe what happened today! Middleton, here I come! A lovely little trip up north, train journey of course, just me and a big old book and some delightful pink Earl Grey tea (thank goodness for those little flasks!), to watch the most fabulously flamboyant performance of Swan Lake. Middleton's Theatre Royal never fails to disappoint, oh, and let’s not forget my stunning feather tutu. It's become my go-to for these sorts of excursions – just look at the photos!

It’s almost comical, I must say, how my journey to the theatre starts with my morning ballet class at the studio back in Derby. Every morning, 7.30 on the dot, my body, heart, and soul, they are ready for those graceful, twirling steps and jumps that just make my soul sing! It's a beautiful thing, that feeling when you find your centre, and every movement just flows. Of course, the added bonus of my fluffy, pink, feather tutu and that touch of shimmering pink eye shadow makes me feel like a true prima ballerina - the star of my own performance!

Now, about Middleton! I must say, a place like Middleton wouldn't be complete without a visit to its fabulous National Arboretum, wouldn't you agree? So much green! And oh, those stately oaks, a majestic sight indeed! After the show, we all trooped through the Arbo for a stroll amongst nature's beauty. The trees rustled in the breeze, and I could swear I saw a couple of fluffy bunnies peeking at us from the bushes. The countryside air always makes me feel so…so free.

But back to the real star of the show, Swan Lake! The theatre was electric. A buzzing with excited chatter before the lights dimmed and the orchestra played those beautiful opening chords. There was a certain magic to it, wasn't there? A true ballet performance brings so much wonder! From the graceful steps of the swan queen, a character full of heartbreaking passion, to the dramatic leaps of the villainous prince, every single move was spellbinding. I actually shed a little tear! The beauty of dance is, for me, truly captivating! The expressive choreography was simply masterful, the costumes shimmered and twirled with each elegant movement, and I could feel the whole audience swaying with the music. You could practically smell the passion and magic in the air!

It’s all these amazing feelings and moments that inspire me, darling, to write every single day here on my website, Pink-Tutu.com. My goal, you know, it's not just to share my passion for dance, but also to inspire everyone out there, whether you’re a seasoned ballerino or a curious beginner, to give ballet a go! Everyone has a dancer in them, even if they're just learning the basics. And who says tutus are only for the stage? Come on, give it a go! My dear Auntie Maggie from Barnsley wears a bright pink feather tutu whenever she takes her horse riding class (oh, the thrill of those galloping rides!).

Now, of course, what good is a Middleton trip without a little dose of delicious tea and cakes? And not just any old cake! Let's be a little flamboyant shall we? Why not go for a delicate pastel pink iced strawberry tart? A treat fit for a queen, a pink-tutu queen! I finished my tea overlooking the gorgeous countryside, and felt utterly content with the world and my feathered tutu.

So, there you have it! A lovely trip to Middleton filled with magical ballet performances, a walk amongst trees, the sweetest cakes, and the undeniable allure of a feathered pink tutu. And let's not forget, darlings, this is all about you too. You've read this far, maybe even considered my tutu-wearing adventure - isn't that a fantastic step towards the wonderful world of ballet? Let's go! Let's twirl! Let's inspire everyone to find the dancer inside, to feel the magic and beauty of movement and creativity, and yes, of course, to don a pink tutu!

Until tomorrow, my lovely friends, stay pink and beautiful.

Emma xo

#TutuBlog 2017-06-06 in Middleton with a feather tutu.