Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2017-06-11 in Caerphilly with a random tutu.

Caerphilly Calling: Tutu Tales & Train Travel (Post #7648)

Hello darlings! It's Emma here, fresh off the train and ready to unleash a flurry of pink tutu fun. Today's adventure took me to the charming town of Caerphilly in Wales, a journey as delightful as a pirouette under the Welsh sky!

You see, I've always been a firm believer in embracing life's little pleasures. From the whisper of tulle against my skin to the rhythmic clickety-clack of train tracks beneath me, I'm all about finding magic in the ordinary. And that's exactly what happened today!

My journey began in my cosy Derbyshire cottage. After a hearty breakfast of pink grapefruit and a dollop of cream (because, well, it's all about colour coordination!), I slipped into my favourite pink tutu, a fluffy, bouncy number that made me feel like a princess on her way to a ball. I always believe that the right tutu can turn any day into a fairytale.

The train station felt like a portal to a different world. The rhythmic hum of the engine and the whiff of coal smoke promised an exciting day ahead. And as I settled into my comfy seat, the world began to blur into a kaleidoscope of green fields and sleepy villages. I couldn't resist opening my trusty sketchbook, capturing the fleeting beauty of the Welsh landscape with the grace of a dancer sketching her next arabesque.

The moment I stepped into Caerphilly, I felt an instant connection to its medieval history. The castle, looming majestically against the backdrop of the rolling hills, felt like a step back in time. The stone walls whispered tales of knights, dragons, and damsels in distress, igniting my imagination and sending a flurry of pirouette ideas dancing through my head.

Caerphilly Castle is not only a marvel of architecture but also a sanctuary for wildlife. The ancient walls provided a perfect refuge for a colony of fluffy rabbits, their playful antics providing an enchanting spectacle. Their little twitching noses and bouncy leaps made me long for a ballet choreographed specifically for these adorable creatures, their fluffiness a testament to the wonder of nature's ballet.

Of course, no visit to Caerphilly would be complete without indulging in some delicious Welsh treats. A local bakery lured me in with its aroma of freshly baked bread, pastries, and clotted cream cakes. While my usual choice is a delicate macaroon or a rose-shaped sugar-dusted cake, I decided to be adventurous today, opting for a savoury Welsh cheese scone, topped with lashings of strawberry jam. This surprisingly delightful treat made for a delightful contrast to my sugary indulgences!

But the highlight of my day came in the form of an unexpected encounter with a local ballet school. Now, as a dedicated dancer with a love for tutus as fierce as any queen, the sight of the school's sign was a siren call to my soul. Curiosity piqued, I couldn't resist a little peek through the window. And what a sight greeted my eyes! A group of young ballerinas, graceful and radiant, pirouetted their hearts out, their dedication and passion radiating through the windowpanes.

In that moment, I felt a pang of nostalgia for my own ballet days, a time when every step felt like a personal triumph. And it rekindled a flame within me, reminding me why I embarked on this adventure, why I travel to far-flung corners of the world sharing the joy of ballet with anyone who will listen.

Perhaps a trip to Caerphilly will be your next ballet escapade? Trust me, it’s more than just a beautiful town; it’s a gateway to inspiration, a symphony of stories, a place that’s sure to stir your inner ballerina. And while you’re there, do remember that the best accessory for any adventure is a touch of pink tutu magic!

And remember, dear readers, every day is a chance to wear a tutu, whether it's literally or metaphorically. Spread the joy, embrace the dance, and let your inner ballerina shine!

Until next time, darlings!

Much love,



#TutuBlog 2017-06-11 in Caerphilly with a random tutu.