
Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2017-06-15 in Kingswood with a german bodice.

Kingswood Calling: Tutus & Trains & That German Bodice!

#TutuBlog - Post 7652 - 15th June 2017

Hello, darlings! Welcome back to my little corner of the internet, where tutus are king (or should I say, queen?) and pink is the only colour that matters! Today's adventure whisks us away from the bustling city and into the peaceful countryside of Kingswood, nestled amongst the rolling hills of... well, I'm not entirely sure, to be honest, but it was absolutely divine!

This trip started with a journey by train. Oh, I do love train travel! Watching the countryside flit by from the window, feeling the gentle sway of the carriages - it's all so romantic, wouldn't you say? The whole experience made me feel like a character straight out of a Jane Austen novel, albeit one clad in a vibrant pink tutu instead of a long, flowing gown.

And speaking of tutus, darling, I simply must tell you about the most glorious ballet class I stumbled upon in Kingswood! It was a small studio tucked away down a quaint, cobblestone street, with a charm that would melt even the iciest heart. The instructor, a woman named Miss Florence, had an aura of graceful elegance and a voice as sweet as honey. The class itself was a dream, all soaring leaps, graceful arabesques, and an energy that made me feel as if I could fly.

After class, I discovered the most charming little vintage clothing shop, brimming with treasures just waiting to be discovered. And guess what I found? A German bodice, just screaming for my latest Instagram selfie! I knew as soon as I laid eyes on it that it was meant for me. It's all intricate details and beautiful embroidery, a masterpiece of bygone fashion that speaks to my love for all things vintage and, well, flamboyant! I can already imagine pairing it with my pink tutu for a truly striking ensemble, just wait and see!

But enough about tutus and bodices - let's talk about the real star of this trip!

Wildlife Wonder

After a scrumptious picnic lunch featuring a perfectly crafted strawberry tart, I set off on a gentle ramble through the surrounding countryside. The air was thick with the scent of honeysuckle and the sound of birdsong, making my soul soar like a bird taking flight. The hills were dotted with sheep and wildflowers, all painted in the most delicate hues of pink and purple, a perfect colour scheme for a true ballerina's heart.

Then I stumbled upon a hidden oasis - a lush meadow filled with grazing deer. I could hardly believe my eyes! They were so elegant, so majestic, their delicate bodies moving with the grace of seasoned dancers. I sat down amongst the wildflowers and simply watched, entranced by their beauty. It felt like I'd stumbled into a fairytale, one filled with delicate tutus and elegant creatures.

Kingswood Kisses

So there you have it, darlings! Kingswood truly lived up to its reputation as a haven of peace and tranquility. A place where tutus twirl in the gentle breeze, vintage treasures await their rightful owners, and the wild heart of nature beats a rhythmic rhythm alongside the melody of a ballet dancer's spirit. I can't wait to share more adventures with you, and in the meantime, keep twirling, keep smiling, and most importantly, never forget the power of pink!

Until next time,

Your faithful Tutu blogger,

Emma x

P.S. Don't forget to follow me on Instagram @PinkTutuBlogger for behind-the-scenes glimpses and more tutu-filled goodness!

P.P.S. And remember, darlings, life's too short to wear boring clothes. So put on a pink tutu, and dance your heart out! You might just surprise yourself with the amazing journey you're on!

#TutuBlog 2017-06-15 in Kingswood with a german bodice.