Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2017-06-17 in Ramsgate with a pink tutu.

Ramsgate Ramblings: Pink Tutu & Sea Breeze


Sunshine, seagulls, and a salty breeze - oh, Ramsgate, you've got my heart dancing! It's been a while since I've dipped my toes (and tutu!) into the sands of Kent, and this trip was truly magical. I'm on a mission to share the joy of ballet with the world, one pink tutu at a time, and there's no better place to do it than by the seaside.

As always, my trusty pink tutu was packed, ready for a grand adventure. You wouldn't catch me exploring without it! The sheer tulle swirled like a joyful cloud as I strolled along the Victorian promenade, a symphony of pastel hues reflected in the shimmering water. It's funny how a simple pink tutu can spark a smile and create an instant connection, especially when you're strolling along the pier. A friendly group of giggling teenagers even asked me for a quick twirl!

But let's talk about getting to Ramsgate, shall we? I embraced the quintessential British experience by opting for the train - a leisurely journey through the green English countryside. It’s always a treat to relax and watch the scenery change outside the window, each scene painting a perfect picture of a life lived a little differently. Plus, it gave me ample time to brainstorm new ballet-inspired outfit ideas! You never know when inspiration might strike!

This trip was a celebration of dance and discovery, starting with a mesmerising ballet performance at the newly restored Ramsgate Royal Theatre. The historical beauty of the building and the sheer artistry of the dancers created a truly magical experience. I found myself swept away by the grace and precision of their movements, and afterwards, I was inspired to head back to my little flat to practise some of the intricate choreography I had seen.

Speaking of which, no trip is complete without some ballet class! It seems that Ramsgate is quite a hub for dance enthusiasts, so I was lucky to stumble upon a charming studio right by the beach. Imagine, stretching and pirouetting with the salty sea air swirling around you – blissful! I must say, the studio’s floor could’ve done with a little extra bounce, but hey, sometimes you gotta get creative, right? It's a testament to the power of dance: the sheer joy and connection that transcends differences.

Ramsgate, though, is more than just picturesque landscapes and captivating culture. This seaside town holds a special charm because it boasts a captivating coastline with wildlife. I had a whale of a time (pun intended!) strolling along the shingle beach and spotting seals basking in the sun on the nearby sandbanks. Watching those creatures bask peacefully was almost as meditative as practicing a graceful tendu. I learned the hard way that the seagulls weren’t as peaceful - but hey, it’s all part of the charm!

As I write this from my hotel window, watching the golden light of the sunset paint the sky with vibrant colours, a wave of peace washes over me. The fresh sea air invigorated my mind, and the beauty of the place, infused with a vibrant and warm community, rekindled my creative spirit. I realised that even a trip as short as a weekend can leave you feeling replenished and ready to inspire.

What more could a girl ask for? Well, maybe some of you amazing readers could share some of your favourite pink tutu stories! I would love to hear about your adventures, whether it’s exploring a new city, getting lost in a book, or just dancing around your living room like nobody’s watching!

And if you haven't already, hop on over to www.pink-tutu.com! There's a whole world of ballet inspiration waiting for you!

Until next time, my lovelies,

Stay bright and keep those pink tutus twirling!

With love,



#TutuBlog 2017-06-17 in Ramsgate with a pink tutu.