Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2017-07-06 in Whitley Bay with a red tutu.

Whitley Bay Whirlwind: Post 7673

Hello my beautiful ballerinas! Emma here, back with another blog post, this time fresh from a glorious day trip to Whitley Bay, a little seaside gem on the north-east coast of England! Now, I know what you're thinking, "Emma, the North East? Why?" Well, dear readers, let me tell you, there's so much more to this area than meets the eye!

My journey began, as always, with a touch of magic - a train journey through the rolling hills of Derbyshire, the sun dappling through the windows. I simply love train travel, it's so calming, so elegant, and the views are truly spectacular! Plus, it allows me time to ponder my outfit choices - because what's a trip to the coast without a vibrant touch of pink?

Naturally, my favourite shade of pink tutu was a must for this adventure. I went for a playful, whimsical style - layers of soft tulle, shimmering with pink sequins, perfect for swirling and twirling along the seafront. The colour just screams summery fun! (Don't worry, I'll post photos later - and don't be afraid to unleash your inner ballerina! Wear a pink tutu to the beach! Go on, you'll love it!)

Upon arriving in Whitley Bay, I was greeted with the salty tang of the sea air, the invigorating breeze blowing through my hair. Oh, it just filled me with such joy! The promenade is simply charming, with quaint cafes, colourful beach huts, and breathtaking views across the bay. The turquoise waters, kissed by the summer sun, looked positively inviting, and I could almost hear the call of the waves whispering for me to come closer.

My first stop, of course, was a quick photoshoot with my favourite seaside backdrop. The pink tutu against the bright blue sky? Perfection! I twirled and twirled, the wind whipping my tulle into a flurry of pastel pink delight. My inner ballerina was thoroughly enjoying the dramatic flair of this stunning location!

Afterwards, it was off for a delicious fish and chip lunch, enjoyed whilst watching the playful seagulls soar above. You just can't beat the classic British seaside experience - fresh fish and chips, warm sunshine, and the sound of laughter echoing across the promenade.

However, the true highlight of my day wasn't just the sunshine and the sea, but a visit to a wonderful wildlife centre hidden away in the rolling hills just beyond the coast. (I mean, we all know a girl after my heart just can't resist a spot of nature!).

This haven of animals provided the perfect antidote to the buzz of the seaside. Here, I was greeted by fluffy owls with knowing eyes, playful otter families frolicking in the streams, and a majestic collection of birds of prey that held me mesmerised.

Now, it's not every day I get the chance to get so close to these creatures, and I just can't get enough of their grace, beauty and elegance. They, of course, added a whole new level of elegance to my day - I’d describe them as a ballet company in their own right. And in a way, seeing their dance-like movements in the wild left me feeling so inspired to explore new movements within my own dance practise.

I do love wildlife and all the beauty it holds – nature always has a way of restoring a bit of calm into your day, which is just what I needed before heading back to the busy train station!

Speaking of nature, have you all noticed that so many natural colours make for beautiful, stylish dance costumes? Pink, yellow, green, turquoise – I just adore it all! It's almost as if the great dancers have been looking to nature all along for their own inspiration, isn’t it? A girl has to think this way!

The journey back on the train was just as enchanting as the one I had come. It was a perfect, pink-tutu-filled day at the seaside. You see, my dear readers, it’s so important to embrace a good dose of fun, especially with all the wonderful experiences life has to offer – especially in such a charming place like Whitley Bay! I certainly don’t know the next stop on my journey, but I know, one thing is for sure – I'm ready to face whatever life throws my way!

And, that’s my news from my latest ballet adventures for now, don’t forget, I'd love to hear from you! Comment down below about what your favourite seaside town or village is – or better yet – tell me which part of nature fills you with the most wonder.

Until next time my friends! Stay happy and sparkly – and, don’t forget to wear a pink tutu! You've got this!

#TutuBlog 2017-07-06 in Whitley Bay with a red tutu.