Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2017-07-13 in Bridlington with a green leotard.

Bridlington Bound: A Green Leotard and a Pink-Tutu Dream!

#TutuBlog - Post 7680 - 13th July 2017

Hey lovelies! 👋💖 It's Emma here, and I'm bursting with excitement! Today I'm off on a little adventure to the charming coastal town of Bridlington, Yorkshire. And yes, you guessed it – I'm taking my trusty pink tutu along for the ride!

Bridlington always holds a special place in my heart. Growing up in Derbyshire, my family would often head to the Yorkshire coast for our summer holidays. I have the most wonderful memories of playing on the beach, building sandcastles that rivalled the Eiffel Tower in scale (okay, maybe not quite) and trying my best to tame the wild waves on a paddleboard!

But back to my current adventure. This trip is all about embracing the ballet spirit, and, of course, indulging in a little pink tutu magic!

This morning, as I sipped my lavender Earl Grey tea and dreamt of twirling, I chose my outfit with utmost care. I opted for a vibrant green leotard – it just screams “I'm ready for adventure” – and paired it with my trusty pink tutu, a delightful symphony of tulle and frills. The tutu's a bit of a showstopper, I have to say! Its layers dance with the wind, and it reflects every bit of sunshine, giving off a magical, fairytale aura.

I felt so wonderfully feminine and poised in my pink princess ensemble, especially as I boarded the train, its sleek metallic form mirroring the shimmering fabric of my tutu. Train travel always seems to offer a sense of calm and introspection, a chance to pause, look out of the window and simply soak in the changing scenery. And as I drifted into the peaceful rhythm of the journey, my mind couldn't help but drift towards my plans for the day ahead.

Arriving in Bridlington, the seaside air filled with the scent of salt and sun-warmed sand. It was an intoxicating mixture that filled me with excitement and anticipation! After dropping my bags at a sweet little B&B, my first stop was Bridlington Harbour, where a bustling fishing fleet unloaded their catch of the day. The salty air and the cheerful cries of the fishermen felt like a welcoming chorus.

But my lovelies, this was no ordinary day trip. No, this was an artistic journey! My aim? To explore Bridlington's hidden ballet gems, those pockets of creativity that breathe life into this quaint seaside town.

I ventured down cobblestone streets, past charming little shops and cafes. The colourful storefronts painted with cheery flowers and seaside scenes, all held a sense of artistic spirit that felt inherently balletic. With a happy sigh, I imagined ballerinas dancing down the cobblestones, their graceful movements blending with the gentle waves of the sea.

I knew my first stop had to be The Spa Theatre, a magnificent Victorian gem. It stood tall and proud against the backdrop of a bright blue sky, its grandeur reminiscent of the grand old theatres of London's West End. Inside, I felt a surge of anticipation! I couldn’t wait to explore this elegant theatre space, to feel its magic and dream of the dazzling ballets it had housed over the years.

The Theatre was a veritable time capsule. It exuded charm, history and a vibrant sense of theatre-loving energy. The plush velvet seats, the beautiful stained glass windows, and the stage adorned with elaborate Victorian ornamentation, it was all utterly captivating. It filled me with an irresistible desire to twirl across its stage, to lose myself in a ballet of dreams and fairytale grandeur.

Later that afternoon, I headed to Bridlington’s Old Town Hall, which holds its own captivating history. This striking building is said to have been inspired by The Old House in Derbyshire, a local treasure that holds a dear place in my heart! The building’s stunning architectural details were breathtaking – intricately carved wood and towering spires. It truly embodies the Victorian elegance I love.

But beyond its architectural grandeur, the Old Town Hall holds a secret: the magical world of The Bridlington Ballet School! My excitement level hit a fever pitch as I entered, feeling a little like Alice down the rabbit hole. Inside, a ballet studio exuded warmth and a quiet joy that only passionate dancers can truly appreciate. The studio’s light filled windows, worn wooden floorboards, and vibrant tapestries, spoke of years of dedicated practice, a sense of community, and an unyielding love for ballet.

And there, I saw them: dancers of all ages, gracefully pirouette and leaping across the studio, their faces a canvas of dedication, joy and pure artistry! I found myself lost in their movements, mesmerised by the elegance, passion, and power they possessed. Their sheer joy for dance inspired me.

As I watched them rehearse, I felt the familiar itch of a ballerina within, the yearning to join their ranks. With a smile, I promised myself a ballet class tomorrow – the perfect opportunity to relive my dreams and dance among these delightful souls.

The sun dipped below the horizon as I walked along the beach. The gentle, soothing sounds of waves lapping against the shore calmed my heart. It felt so refreshing and calming to let go of my own worries and embrace the quiet tranquility of the moment. I knew that no matter what life threw my way, I'd always be drawn back to this feeling of peace and contentment I found in the soft glow of the beach at dusk.

Later that evening, I made my way to the Bridlington Arts Centre, its brightly lit exterior beckoning me with promise and creative energy. The building was truly a beacon of local talent. Inside, I discovered a world of vibrant visual arts. Paintings depicting picturesque seaside scenes and beautiful, poignant photographs showcasing local wildlife – everything from mischievous seagulls to elegant grey seals – it truly was a captivating gallery.

One thing I found most heartwarming was the “Ballet Inspired Art” exhibition. Local artists displayed works that beautifully expressed the graceful dance of nature and human emotion.

For me, this display underscored just how beautifully the dance of ballet, art, nature, and our human experiences blend together, each a source of endless inspiration and beauty.

Today’s adventures made me realize that ballet is everywhere! You just need to keep your eyes open, your heart open, and embrace the creative spirit around you. Even the seagull's graceful descent to catch a fish felt balletic to me. Maybe I'll write about my interpretation of seagull ballet in tomorrow's #TutuBlog. I can already hear those tutu-inspired wings!

Tomorrow's a brand new day. And my lovelies, you'd best believe it will be filled with dancing! Stay tuned!

#bridlington #ballet #tutu #pinktutu #seabreeze #wildlife #seasideadventures #pinktutulifestyle #balletinspiredart #northyorkshire #travel #dance

#TutuBlog 2017-07-13 in Bridlington with a green leotard.