Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2017-07-23 in Abingdon with a narrow tutu.

Abingdon Adventures in a Narrow Tutu! 💖🩰 #7690

Hello, darlings! Emma here, reporting live from Abingdon, a charming little town tucked away in Oxfordshire. You wouldn't believe the journey I took to get here! I couldn't resist the allure of a day trip, and a bit of a ballet adventure, so I packed my little pink suitcase, hopped aboard the train at my little station in Derbyshire, and chugged my way southwards, mesmerised by the rolling hills and sun-dappled fields.

And the highlight of the day? A delightful performance by the Abingdon Ballet School! Oh, you wouldn't believe the talent! These youngsters have such grace and strength, their leaps and turns were simply mesmerising! It reminded me of when I first discovered ballet - that sense of pure magic, the way it can transport you to another world with just the flick of a wrist or the sweep of a leg.

I must admit, though, there was one little detail that took me by surprise: I felt... constrained! I had a very specific vision for today - a glorious, wide, swirling pink tutu, but I ended up squeezing myself into a narrow, fitted little number that wouldn't have looked out of place in a modern ballet. Honestly, it was a challenge just to sit through the performance with those tight stitches holding me in. But let's be honest, darlings, a ballet dancer's got to be prepared for anything!

And that, my darlings, is what today was all about: an unexpected adventure! A train ride, a peek at beautiful country views, a dash of ballet magic and a little reminder that sometimes, life throws us a curveball. And the best part? I still felt like a total princess in my pink! After all, it's all about finding joy in the small things, isn't it? A cute, miniature tutu or a beautiful sunset; a shared smile with a fellow ballet lover, or the feeling of pure adrenaline from a beautiful dance move.

So, I say, go on, ladies, live life with your pink tutu on! Whether it's a full-on, twirling, floor-length, princess dream, or a tiny, whimsical, scampering number, wear your own version of pink with pride.

You know, I can’t talk about my travels without mentioning a fellow traveler - my horse! Yes, I am an equestrienne at heart and even take some time to ride in my free time! My little darling, Pepper, is a trusty companion on my little countryside explorations. This afternoon, after the ballet performance, Pepper was ready to gallop me home, with the sun setting behind us, bathing the field in a glorious orange light. Talk about a perfect ending to a day of magic!

There’s so much to love about being a ballet enthusiast. The sense of community is something truly special, finding that shared love for this art form with other beautiful, passionate souls, united by a love for elegance and graceful movements.

This evening, after all this dancing and galloping, I’m sitting here, enjoying a cup of hot chocolate and jotting down all my experiences. But before I get lost in a pink-tinged dream about the performance, I just wanted to leave you with this - it’s never too late to follow your heart’s calling, embrace the unknown and always, always, let your inner tutu twirl!

See you tomorrow, darlings!

P.S. I’ve started taking some amazing nature photographs, with the gorgeous horses, deer, and all the little critters you find on my countryside walks! Don't worry, I’ll be posting them on pink-tutu.com in the coming days. If you want to see them first, make sure you follow my social media.

Stay pink,

Emma 💖🩰


Instagram: @emmatutu

Twitter: @pinktutuemma

#TutuBlog 2017-07-23 in Abingdon with a narrow tutu.