Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2017-07-28 in Bexleyheath with a food themed tutu.

Bexleyheath Bound: A Food-tutu Fiesta!

Post Number: 7695

Hello my gorgeous tutu-loving friends! It's Emma here, back with another instalment of pink-tutu fuelled adventures! Today, I'm whisking you away to Bexleyheath - a delightful little town that's surprisingly close to London. This journey? Pure train-riding bliss, the windows sparkling like diamonds and the world flashing by in a kaleidoscope of colour. You know me, I always pick the window seat - ideal for spotting those furry friends along the way (squirrel sightings were particularly plentiful this time).

And, my darlings, Bexleyheath lived up to the hype! It's bursting with those cute independent shops that make my heart skip a beat. You'd be hard pressed to resist popping in to browse, especially if you're anything like me and can't resist a quirky little knick-knack or a new lipstick. But before we dive into the fashion frenzy, we must talk... tutus!

I've been doing some serious tutu brainstorming, and guess what I came up with? A food-themed tutu! Yes, you heard me right! We're talking about swirling tulle inspired by the very essence of culinary delight! I'm picturing shimmering fabric reminiscent of sugar sprinkles, layers that mimic the luscious folds of a mille-feuille, maybe even some appliquéd cupcakes?

I mean, why settle for a mere "flower tutu" when you can rock a masterpiece that tells the story of a chocolate éclair, or celebrates the creamy magic of a Victoria sponge? Let's face it, a tutu should reflect who you are, and what could be more divine than channeling the artistry of our favourite treats? (I might have also snuck a miniature croissant onto my little tutu today just for the gram...)

Speaking of treats, Bexleyheath is a gourmand's dream! You’d be crazy to visit without trying some of their iconic food. (Just thinking about it makes my stomach do a happy dance!) And to add to the ballet-inspired fun, let's call it “Bexleyheath Balanchine”, after the famous ballet choreographer.

Here's my Bexleyheath Balanchine food guide, served with a side of tutu-liciousness:

  • The Strawberry Sundae at The Parlour: Let's start with something that screams summer! Imagine a mountainous pile of creamy vanilla ice cream, swirled with strawberry sauce and a mountain of fresh fruit. This dessert is like a visual ballet, with its sweet notes and vibrant colors! Tutu idea: A pink and red tulle creation, bursting with tiny fabric berries and topped off with a glittering, shimmery scoop of “fabric” ice cream.

  • The “Big Bex” Pie at The Old Bakery: It’s the town's answer to the “famous bake-off” and a hearty classic, bursting with local ingredients. Think melt-in-your-mouth pastry, meaty filling and gravy, the sort of meal that warms you from the inside out. This pie deserves a tutu that reflects its rustic charm. Tutu idea: Imagine layers of buttery tulle with intricate embroidery inspired by traditional floral motifs, evoking a cottage garden in bloom.

  • The Bexleyheath Burger at The Old Pub: It's not Bexleyheath without a burger! They have a range, so pick the "Big Bex" for the ultimate flavour fiesta. This classic deserves a tutu as iconic as the food! Tutu idea: We're talking leather-look fabric tutu inspired by a classic motorbike jacket. Just imagine, the feel of it as you glide around the dance floor, a sassy nod to the “on-the-go” burger experience.

But food and fashion weren't the only highlights! Bexleyheath also has a surprisingly vibrant ballet scene! I stumbled upon a delightful little ballet school that is brimming with passion. Their dedication was palpable. The kids are all just so full of joy! There is something truly inspiring about seeing these little ones dance, each with their own dream in their hearts.

And speaking of dreams, you know that feeling you get when you just feel your most powerful, creative self? I have a special tip: embrace your inner ballet queen, it will transform the way you feel. This doesn't mean you need to sign up for a ballet class right away, simply try out these three simple moves at home! You can learn these ballet-inspired stretches in your own time:

  1. The graceful arm extensions: These look oh so simple but work wonders for toning arms and shoulders. Stand with feet hip-width apart and gently stretch one arm outwards, focusing on reaching from the fingertips. Hold for a moment, and repeat on the other side.
  2. The flowing leg lifts: Here, you really feel your strength! Lift one leg, gently holding it as you sweep it up and down. Feel the stretch through your hamstrings and inner thigh muscles. And don't forget to engage your core!
  3. The grand plié: Yes, the glorious plie is an integral ballet pose, but can be adjusted to a gentler level at home. Begin with a feet slightly wider than shoulder width. Imagine sitting back and down onto your chair while maintaining straight legs and strong posture.

Bexleyheath, you were truly a delight, and you've definitely inspired a few food-themed tutu creations! My head is already bursting with ideas for fabric choices. Now, off to grab some sugar and a hot cup of tea for an afternoon of tutu design sketches!

Stay tuned for more pink-tutu-fuelled adventures, darling friends! And remember, my life motto? "There's always room for a little bit more pink!”

With a twirl,

Emma x www.pink-tutu.com

#TutuBlog 2017-07-28 in Bexleyheath with a food themed tutu.