Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2017-08-07 in Northolt with a pink tutu.

Northolt Calling: A Tutu Adventure in Pink!

Hello lovely dancers! Welcome back to Pink-Tutu.com for post number 7705! Today I’m whisking you off on a pink tutu adventure to the lovely town of Northolt! And you know what? It was just the perfect day to feel fabulous in a tutu! (Isn’t it always?)

As some of you may know, I’m a bit obsessed with travel. I can't help but feel a twinge of excitement every time I climb aboard a train or mount a horse (yes, I’m lucky enough to have my own horse!). But today, my mode of transport was something a little different... I went by plane! Now, you may think "Emma, planes are hardly the most romantic way to travel" but trust me, when you’re flying off on a tutu adventure, any journey feels glamorous!

I was whisked up to London to see a simply incredible performance of Swan Lake at the Coliseum. It was so dreamy and romantic, with stunning sets and a whole troop of beautiful swans, who, in my opinion, all gave their wings a fantastic effort!

But you see, the journey wasn't the main reason for this blog post. What made it a truly magical experience? You guessed it, my tutu! (And what else would I travel with?)

I've found that there's nothing quite as powerful as wearing a tutu. It really is a tutu-ly transformative experience! I know, I know, it's something many people wouldn’t dream of doing, but why? Let’s face it, the colour pink can change your whole perspective. And believe me, every time I step into a tutu I get the feeling I can do anything. I'm strong, I'm graceful, I'm free. It's truly inspiring.

Anyway, let's get back to my Northolt adventure. Before the performance, I wandered around the lovely, charming town in my bright pink tutu. The people were absolutely lovely and all smiled at me! The kids loved it and a few were brave enough to have their photo taken with me. You know what they say… "Never judge a book by its cover". And the cover was a pretty spectacular tutu! And no, it wasn’t just me being a diva. People were really genuinely happy to see a pink tutu parading the streets! Maybe the town needs more tutu vibes!

I popped into a delightful tea shop with my friend, Lucy. I always feel a touch of the Derbyshire country vibes whenever I have afternoon tea, especially when it's served with delicious little cakes, fresh fruit, and delicate sandwiches! I’ll never turn down a good Victoria Sponge – and who needs to diet when you've got a pink tutu! I might add that it's a great way to stay happy.

After the tea shop, Lucy and I found a beautiful park, a hidden oasis in the heart of Northolt. You know I'm a big animal lover and I felt a thrill to find a family of squirrels darting around the branches, and even a gorgeous, proud pheasant strutting around. And what did the squirrels and the pheasant do when they saw my tutu? They paused, took a look, then went back to their wildlife activities as though they couldn’t care less! Well, fair enough I say!

Later on, I popped over to the Colosseum and watched the dancers performing those amazing leaps, jumps and turns with the poise and grace of seasoned professionals. They reminded me why I love ballet so much. The costumes were gorgeous, the sets dazzling. It was such a powerful, enchanting, uplifting performance, one of those experiences that makes you feel utterly inspired, completely transported to another world.

One of the best things about being a dancer is sharing it with others. It’s always thrilling to be part of such a dynamic community! And believe me, everyone has something beautiful to contribute to this wonderful world of dance, no matter how big or small! I know a lot of people say, "Oh I couldn't do ballet". I always tell them: Try it, it's worth a whirl, a pirouette and a jeté!!

I left the Coliseum completely enchanted. I knew it was time to find some gorgeous wildlife photos to post for my next Instagram feed – with the focus being the pink tutu and my wild adventures! My day was complete when I met up with a dear friend who loves the colour pink. He had his favourite pink tie on! Now, a tutu with a pink tie – now that's my kind of look.

Northolt, thank you for a delightful day full of wonder and joy. It's given me lots of ideas for future adventures. Maybe I’ll come back for the theatre again – but next time, I’ll be taking my trusty horse. It would be great fun to explore this lovely part of England on horseback. (Who knows, maybe it will be pink?)

Now I need your input. Do you have any ideas about where my tutu should travel to next? I'd love to hear your suggestions! Remember, a pink tutu can go anywhere. It’s about the spirit of adventure, it’s about breaking down walls and boundaries, it’s about having fun and expressing yourself. And you know what, I want you to embrace your inner dance, wear that fabulous pink tutu (if you’re not afraid of rocking a little pink!), and unleash your true creative potential. You deserve it!

Now off to bed…and dreams of pink tutus!

Emma xx

#TutuBlog 2017-08-07 in Northolt with a pink tutu.