Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2017-08-20 in Ashington with a pink tutu.

Ashington: Tutu Adventures in the North East

#TutuBlog - Post 7718

Hey, Tutu Tribe!

It’s Emma here, fresh from a whirlwind adventure in the charming town of Ashington, nestled in the heart of Northumberland! Now, I know what you’re thinking…Ashington? But hear me out, this place had a hidden sparkle, and let’s be honest, any excuse for a new pink tutu adventure, right?!

I’d been itching to explore the North East for ages. Something about the rugged coastline, the quaint villages, and the whisper of history always calls to me. Of course, I couldn’t go without my trusty pink tutu, which just so happened to be a beautiful tulle masterpiece, adorned with delicate pink feathers, that twirled in the breeze like a blossoming cherry blossom.

Getting to Ashington was a delightful experience in itself. Instead of jumping on the train, I opted for a more adventurous mode of transportation – a jaunty jaunt on horseback! The journey across the rolling hills of Derbyshire was truly magical. There's just something about the wind in your hair and the rhythmic thrum of hooves that sets your spirit free. Plus, the cheeky Shetland pony I was riding – a little chestnut fella named Jasper - had a wicked sense of humour.

Arriving in Ashington, I was greeted by the warmth of a friendly, community-minded town. It's got this authentic, down-to-earth vibe that I instantly loved. And, you wouldn't believe this, there was a ballet studio tucked away just off the main street! I couldn't resist slipping into my feather-trimmed tutu and joining a lovely class. It was such a joyful experience! Everyone was so welcoming and supportive, regardless of their skill level. You could feel the passion for dance just bursting from the room.

In the evening, I ventured out to the stunning Ashington Park. The autumn leaves were already beginning to turn, creating a stunning kaleidoscope of colour. The air was crisp and clean, and I felt so at peace surrounded by the tranquility of the park. I couldn't resist spinning a few pirouettes, feeling the twinkle of the city lights catching the shimmer of my tutu.

But Ashington wasn't just about ballet and breathtaking landscapes, I discovered its heart was also deeply connected to wildlife! I spent a memorable afternoon exploring the renowned Wansbeck Valley. The beauty of the river gliding through the surrounding woodland took my breath away. We saw a family of delighted ducklings swimming, heard the melodious song of a grey wagtail, and even spotted a family of red squirrels scampering amongst the branches.

My evening ended at a charming little pub nestled in the heart of the town. The local brewery's ale was absolutely divine, and I got to enjoy a hearty dinner of traditional pie and mash (of course accompanied by a splash of raspberry and cream liqueur, my favourite!).

And to top it all off, guess what?! The pub even had a little live music stage. I couldn't resist getting up to have a twirl on the dance floor. You know me, a tutu never lets a dancing opportunity slip by! I was greeted by cheering applause and smiles all around, and I couldn't help but think to myself, this is exactly what I love about travelling. Connecting with people, sharing a little joy and a pinch of ballet magic.

Before heading back home to Derbyshire, I had to capture some memories to share with you all. So, naturally, I had a photo shoot in my pink tutu. It's just what the photographer ordered! Ashington's unique architecture, from historic churches to quaint cobblestone streets were the perfect backdrop for my twirls.

I must admit, I've always thought of Derbyshire as a kind of home base for my tutu adventures. But Ashington, with its warm community, hidden treasures, and a sprinkle of northern charm has certainly won a piece of my heart.

So, what did we learn today, Tutu Tribe?

  • Pink tutus work with anything. Seriously, anything!
  • A good pair of walking shoes is essential for discovering hidden gems.
  • Every town has a story to tell if you take the time to listen.
  • A little bit of ballet magic can brighten even the dullest day.

    Until next time, keep spreading the love and dancing your hearts out! And remember, the world needs more pink tutus.

    Lots of love, Emma x

#TutuBlog 2017-08-20 in Ashington with a pink tutu.