Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2017-09-18 in Manchester with a american style tutu.

Manchester Magic! 🩰✨

Post 7747

Hello, darlings!

It’s Emma here, your resident tutu enthusiast, writing to you from the bustling city of Manchester. Today's been a whirlwind of tutus, trains, and twirling, and I'm absolutely bursting to tell you all about it!

Firstly, let's talk about this fabulous American-style tutu I found at a little vintage boutique in Derbyshire yesterday. It’s a dream in blush pink, with a billowing skirt and a glitzy sequined bodice that makes my heart flutter! I'm so excited to share this gorgeous creation with you, my lovely readers. Maybe it's a little bit out of my comfort zone, but life is about trying new things, right? And what's more adventurous than a tutu inspired by the land of Broadway?

Anyway, back to Manchester!

I arrived at the station earlier this morning, all my ballet bags crammed with goodies: my pink-sparkled dance shoes, my favorite leotard (also pink, naturally!), and of course, the magnificent American-style tutu. The train ride was delightful – a vintage carriage with big, plush seats. I found myself daydreaming about travelling by horse, imagine, the wind in my hair, a pink tutu billowing behind me, galloping through rolling hills! Sadly, my equine-assisted transport dream had to remain just that: a dream.

Manchester was calling, however, and I couldn't resist. The city is teeming with vibrant energy! The air crackles with the promise of new experiences, and I felt like a little ballerina stepping onto a grand stage. I made my way to the heart of the city, the bustling Market Street, with my tutu-clad excitement bubbling over.

The plan? To see the Northern Ballet perform “Giselle”! I’ve been a huge fan of this company for years and couldn't wait to be swept away by their talent and passion. Their dedication to ballet is infectious!

Before the show, I indulged in a quick pit stop at the Northern Quarter, an adorable neighbourhood full of independent cafes, quirky shops, and vibrant street art. I grabbed a delightful strawberry and prosecco afternoon tea (it was pink, naturally!), while browsing through the stalls, admiring handcrafted jewelry and local artwork.

Afterward, it was time to get ready for the performance! It felt a bit like magic transforming from my street-wear outfit (although my tote bag did sport a whimsical tutu charm!) into a blushing pink, American-inspired ballerina.

I'd heard whispers of the stunning costumes in “Giselle,” and I wasn't disappointed! Each costume was a masterpiece, capturing the romanticism of the story perfectly. And oh, the dancing! The dancers were so captivating; their movements so effortless and graceful, it took my breath away! You could just tell how much they poured their hearts and souls into every step and gesture. It was truly awe-inspiring.

Speaking of awe-inspiring, I had a little wildlife adventure earlier today! A friendly robin decided to share my picnic with me on the train platform. It was the sweetest, little thing, and it definitely made my day! He even helped me eat a croissant. Maybe I should start my own animal assisted therapy classes – imagine the benefits! Ballet and robins – the ultimate in mindful practice!

After the show, my dance shoes, while feeling slightly sore (it's always a little stiff after a big performance), felt utterly content, ready to explore the world of ballet once again tomorrow!

If you're ever in Manchester, do yourself a favour and check out the Northern Ballet – you won't be disappointed. Just try not to stare too long at their amazing costumes... though it’s hard not to! And, dear readers, I truly believe you can make magic happen. Just wear your pink tutu, find your inner ballerina and get dancing!

Until tomorrow, keep dancing, keep dreaming, and remember to keep it pink! 💖

Yours truly, Emma


#TutuBlog 2017-09-18 in Manchester with a american style tutu.