Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2017-09-30 in Norwich with a pancake tutu.

Norwich: Tutu Travels, Pancake Power & Pink Paradise! 💖

Post number 7759

Hello darlings! It's Emma here, reporting live from Norwich, a charming city bursting with character and even more colour than my wardrobe (which, let's face it, is saying something!). This weekend, I decided to embrace a quintessentially British experience – a journey by train! My little suitcase was packed with my favourite pink tutus, naturally, as well as a dash of "just in case" glitter. And speaking of glitz and glamour... well, that leads me to my adventure today.

Pancakes & Pink Power

The Norwich Theatre Royal, my dear! I’d heard rumours of their enchanting performance of Cinderella - a ballet full of dreams, romance, and the sweetest shoes imaginable! But, let me tell you, I was blown away. 🤯 The artistry was breath-taking. Every movement was fluid, every pirouette precise, every leap defying gravity! And those costumes, darlings… pure magical masterpieces.

Afterward, feeling utterly inspired and brimming with that "I-could-totally-do-a-grand-jeté-right-now" energy, I wandered through the bustling Norwich market. And what did I find? You guessed it - PANCAKES! Now, any foodie knows that pancake art is the ultimate indulgence, so naturally, I ordered a mountain of sweet and fluffy happiness. Then, what's a ballet-loving, pink-obsessed blogger to do with a mound of pancake perfection? 😜 Well, I took it one step further and made it a pink paradise with a pancake tutu.

You’ve gotta love a girl who knows how to turn a snack into an accessory! Let's just say the reaction from fellow pancake enthusiasts was priceless, and I definitely managed to inspire some to do their own "pancake tutu creations." After all, isn't life all about having fun and spreading joy?

Norwich Charm: More Than Just Pink Tutues

Before leaving this wonderful city, I couldn't resist venturing into the enchanting grounds of Norwich Cathedral. The history and architecture left me mesmerized, especially when I imagined all the ballerinas who might have once walked these grounds, dreaming of their grand debuts. Speaking of debuts, did I tell you about my upcoming performance at the Royal Opera House in London? 😉 You know, I can’t resist adding a little extra sparkle to my costume for that one. After all, it wouldn't be a pink-tutu performance without it.

Of course, no journey through Norwich would be complete without experiencing the local wildlife. Let me tell you, these little squirrels have some seriously impressive acrobatics! The way they jump between branches could make a seasoned ballerina jealous. I just knew that a wildlife photographer like me, a huge fan of everything graceful, had to document their graceful movements. And don’t worry, darlings, a little wildlife shot for you will be going up on my blog soon, naturally in pink! 😉

Pink Power & Ballet Bliss

You know what they say, darlings… “Life’s too short for dull clothes!” And for me, it’s also too short for ballet-free days. If you're ever feeling down or stuck in a rut, don't hesitate to step into a studio, grab a pink tutu (or a pancake tutu, if that's more your style) and unleash your inner dancer. Trust me, you'll feel like you're walking on air.

And with that, I bid you adieu until tomorrow, my darling followers! Stay tuned for more tutu adventures and remember... always be pink, be fabulous, be you! 💖




#TutuBlog 2017-09-30 in Norwich with a pancake tutu.