
Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2017-10-11 in Oxford with a feather tutu.

Oxford Bound in a Feather Tutu! πŸ©°πŸ’–

Hello darlings! It's your girl Emma, bringing you another daily dose of pink tulle and twirling magic from www.pink-tutu.com! Today's post, number 7770, takes us on a journey to the enchanting city of Oxford. I'm about to take the scenic route, hopping aboard the trusty steed of steel (a train, duh!), and I'm wearing the most gloriously pink feather tutu for the occasion!

You see, I've been yearning for a little escape from the Derbyshire countryside lately. While I love rolling hills and frolicking lambs, sometimes my heart yearns for something more… historic, grand, and perhaps a touch more… urban! So, Oxford it is, the home of dreaming spires and the sound of rustling pages, where knowledge itself takes the stage.

This trip isn't just about the sights and sounds of the university town though. Oh no, my dear lovelies, this trip is about something far more important – the dance! Oxford, being the centre of learning and refinement that it is, has a fabulous ballet scene. The Oxford Playhouse is staging a magnificent performance of Swan Lake, and you better believe I'm gonna be there!

The prospect of seeing Swan Lake in a feather tutu has me positively giddy! It's all a bit whimsical, isn't it? But that's just my style – a touch of magic woven into every day! The pink feathers of my tutu, each one delicate and oh-so-feminine, seem to echo the grace and elegance of the ballerinas I'll be seeing onstage. Talk about the ultimate accessory for a ballet outing!

But hold on, darlings, there's more! Oxford isn't all dusty old books and hushed halls, it's a vibrant city brimming with life. I can practically hear the buzz of the market stalls in my mind's eye, envisioning rows upon rows of charming local shops filled with exquisite treasures. And who knows, maybe I'll find a whimsical teacup for my growing collection? I must admit, teacups with little dancing ballerina motifs are a particular weakness.

And who can resist the charm of the river? A punting tour with its graceful motions seems just my cup of tea, or rather, cup of Earl Grey. Oxford is a place where the past mingles with the present, where centuries of tradition whisper stories into the ears of new generations, a place where you can wander through enchanting streets and soak in the beauty of time-worn stones and stories etched in history.

Oh, and did I mention the wildlife? This little Derbyshire girl simply adores seeing the cheeky squirrels that scamper through Oxford's green spaces. A moment with nature is always a moment for reflection and rejuvenation. The little creatures make the whole trip just a bit more...magical, don't you think?

And so, dear reader, as I embark on my Oxford adventure, a dash of whimsy in my step, and the flutter of feathers adorning my tutu, I know it will be a journey filled with unforgettable memories. I'll be sharing it all with you, from the stately grandeur of the university to the hidden charm of quaint alleyways, and every delightful moment in between!

Stay tuned for all the Oxford excitement coming soon, including the enchanting performance of Swan Lake and my top picks for the best teacups and wildlife encounters in this magnificent city. Until then, keep twirling and keep your hearts filled with the beauty of ballet!


Emma πŸ’–πŸ©°

P.S. I'm still looking for a truly dazzling pink tutu to make an appearance at the ballet, and so I implore all you lovely lot out there, if you know of a magnificent pink tutu, perfect for a ballerina like myself, let me know! This little Derbyshire girl is eager to hear from you!

#TutuBlog 2017-10-11 in Oxford with a feather tutu.