Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2017-10-18 in Sale with a american style tutu.

TutuBlog: Post #7777 - American Style Tutu Dreams in Sale

Oh my goodness, you guys! It's been a whirlwind of a week and I can't wait to tell you all about it. Let's start with the most important thing - the tutu! Yes, you read that right, I found a new, oh-so-fabulous tutu, and guess what? It's American style! I know, I know, it might seem a little out there, but trust me, it's totally divine! I have been eyeing these tutus for a while now - those gloriously flowing layers of tulle, so much more dramatic than our usual British-style tutus - and this one just had to be mine!

It's the perfect shade of pink, naturally, and I paired it with a fitted black leotard and some pretty ballet flats for a look that is as sophisticated as it is stylish. It felt so different, but in a great way - it was almost like a whirlwind of fairy dust around me, just begging me to twirl and spin! I actually wore it for a ballet class the other day, and it was epic! I can't remember ever feeling so light on my feet! It even managed to impress my very discerning ballet teacher, who was initially a little dubious about the extra tulle, bless her!

Now, enough about the tutu for a moment. You know I'm all about adventure, and last week was packed with exciting trips and happenings! It all started with a romantic journey to Sale on the train. There's nothing quite like the swaying rhythm of the train and the beautiful landscapes rolling by outside, and for a journey as magical as mine, it was the perfect mode of transport.

I headed to Sale to indulge in some vintage shopping, which is a passion of mine (you know, sourcing gorgeous old tutus and ballet wear!), and I had a right whale of a time exploring all the little shops and charming stalls. I found a truly beautiful antique shawl that I knew was meant to be mine!

It's just my luck that Sale has one of the most lovely and welcoming horse riding schools, right near my hotel. So of course, I had to take advantage and try out my equestrian skills! The afternoon was glorious sunshine, I was on a beautiful horse, and all my troubles melted away. There's nothing like galloping through fields to get your adrenaline pumping, and for a few glorious moments, I felt like a wild, free spirit.

After a day of tutu-ing, vintage-hunting, and horse-riding, there was only one thing left to do: a delicious meal! I chose the local favourite - a traditional pie followed by luscious pudding - because, well, I love all things comfort food and nothing says "home away from home" more than a pie and custard. It really was the perfect end to a perfect day.

Speaking of home and comfort…I spent this last weekend at home in Derbyshire. It was wonderful to spend time with family, indulge in home cooked food (Mummy’s sausage casserole, oh my!) and simply relax for a while. The autumn colours are beginning to turn now, the trees are bursting with rich reds, fiery oranges, and golden yellows, and the crisp air makes it all feel magical and alive.

And what better way to top it all off than by heading to see a spectacular ballet performance at the Royal Opera House in Covent Garden! It's not a secret that I live for ballet, and there’s nothing like being there in the auditorium, with the orchestra in full swing and the incredible performers doing their magic.

This weekend’s show featured Swan Lake, one of my absolute favourites. The grace, the fluidity, the elegance – it all just left me in awe! And then, to top it all off, I had the pleasure of meeting the principal dancer after the show! You guys know I'm just a little bit in love with ballet dancers and everything about them! She even gave me some advice, which was so encouraging and inspiring - something about "reaching for your dreams, never giving up, and always wearing pink". Of course, she wore the most divine tutu, which made my heart just flutter - but maybe that was just the fairy dust from the magical show still in the air…

So there you have it, a whirlwind of a week packed full of adventure, fun, and pink-tutu moments!

I’m heading off this week to see some more exciting places! You’ll have to stay tuned to find out what's coming next, but I promise, it’ll involve more twirling, tutu fun and plenty of adventures! And for any of you who might need a little extra oomph to your life - remember my mission! I'm always striving to inspire you to wear your pink tutu with pride, to never stop dreaming, to never be afraid to chase your dreams, and of course, to try ballet – it really is the best thing in the world!

See you back here soon! xx, Emma www.pink-tutu.com

#TutuBlog 2017-10-18 in Sale with a american style tutu.