Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2017-10-23 in High Wycombe with a yellow tutu.

High Wycombe Calling! Tutu-ing Around Town, Post #7782 🩰💖

Hello, lovelies! It's your favourite pink-tutu-wearing, ballet-obsessed blogger Emma, back with another adventure for you! This time, I'm whisking you all the way to the lovely town of High Wycombe in Buckinghamshire!

Now, I know what you're thinking - High Wycombe? Not exactly the most glamorous destination, right? But trust me, this little town holds a certain charm that had me smitten! I was lucky enough to have been invited to a performance by the local ballet company, and let me tell you, it was absolutely fabulous! I couldn't resist putting on my sunshine-yellow tutu for the occasion – because, well, a girl's gotta bring a little colour, right?

The journey itself was a delight! I opted for the train, of course - who can resist a romantic train journey? I got to watch the rolling green countryside whizz by as I daydreamed about the incredible performance that lay ahead. And let's not forget the endless opportunities for stylish train-selfie snaps - it's a must! 😉

Upon arriving in High Wycombe, I found myself feeling quite whimsical, with the beautiful, old architecture and charming little shops lining the streets. The town centre seemed to pulse with a joyful energy, and I could already tell this was a place where people embraced the good life - the sort of life that truly embraces ballet, naturally! 😉

As for the ballet itself, well, I was blown away! The company showcased such amazing talent and artistry. The choreography was beautiful and emotional, the costumes were a stunning mix of colours, and the dancers had so much passion - it really was inspiring!

Here’s what you need to know about High Wycombe:

  1. The stunning Hughenden Manor: Now, every true ballet-lover knows a beautiful historical mansion can’t be far from an extraordinary performance! Well, I couldn’t resist exploring the gorgeous Hughenden Manor, which is where Benjamin Disraeli, one of Britain's most prominent Prime Ministers, called home. It was just the perfect escape, and it made me dream of one day having my own pink-tutu-themed mansion. (Not that my darling pink-tutu obsession ever really fades!).

  2. The beautiful and inspiring Buckinghamshire Railway Centre: It might seem like an odd inclusion for my post, but hear me out! You all know how much I love train travel, but for some, it’s an art form! This center housed a brilliant collection of steam locomotives, complete with interactive displays, allowing me to immerse myself in the history of steam-powered trains and travel. If you're looking for a fantastic afternoon exploring railway heritage and history, this is your perfect destination. (Remember the little boy at the center wearing his pink tutu, Emma? That was me, ages ago – haha!)

  3. A chance to get wild in the countryside! High Wycombe isn't just about beautiful buildings and historical sites. It's surrounded by lush countryside that offers fantastic opportunities for outdoor exploration. On my day trip, I couldn't resist a quick jaunt to Wendover Woods - think walking trails through the woods, wildlife watching (I saw a cheeky squirrel that seemed to be auditioning for the Nutcracker!), and just breathing in the fresh air. Trust me, a bit of fresh air and a tutu combo is guaranteed to inspire your next creative masterpiece!

Now, I'm no stranger to pushing myself beyond my comfort zone. You already know my dance background. My training started when I was just a little girl, in the dusty and slightly-off-kilter ballet studio just down the road from our cottage in Derbyshire! You see, I believe ballet can help people blossom and express themselves in extraordinary ways. So, after I enjoyed my afternoon of balletic escapades and delicious cream tea, I decided to try something new... Horse riding!

Yes, you read that right! It was time to challenge my inner-city ballerina! And wouldn't you know it, the equestrian centre was in the middle of some glorious rolling hills. Picture this: Me, clad in a bright pink riding hat, clutching onto the reigns with all my strength, and galloping through the gorgeous countryside - with my pink tutu safely tucked away in my saddlebag, of course! (Gotta stay fashionable!)

I might not be an experienced rider, but I was determined to learn! I loved how the horse moved with such grace and strength, and it really opened my eyes to the incredible beauty and athleticism that lies beyond the world of ballet. Perhaps one day I can find a graceful pink-tutu-clad unicorn for my ride… wouldn’t that be amazing?

Now, this was a special experience. It's a part of why I’m here on Pink Tutu. My motto is: "Pink tutus, ballet, and travel. These are my favourite things!" If my adventures inspire you, please reach out to me, comment, or visit my blog for more updates at www.pink-tutu.com. And hey, remember - you never know what adventures are waiting around the corner. I say embrace every challenge and be fearless! 😉


Emma, Your friendly neighbourhood Pink-Tutu blogger! 💖

#TutuBlog 2017-10-23 in High Wycombe with a yellow tutu.