Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2017-11-03 in Wembley with a expensive tutu.

Wembley Wonders: A Tutu Triumph! 🩰

Post 7793 | www.pink-tutu.com | 3rd November 2017

Hello darlings! It’s Emma here, back from another whirlwind trip, this time to the magnificent Wembley Arena! And guess what? I finally conquered my fear of travelling by train for a whole 4 hours, which means my glamorous pink tutu and I got to Wembley in style, feeling positively pink with excitement!

Let me tell you, this tutu was worth every penny! I'm talking silk, feathers, a whole load of sparkly bits - you name it, it was on! It took a whole team of little fairies (okay, it was the lovely seamstress at my local fabric shop!) to stitch up this masterpiece and let's just say it's the absolute piece de resistance of my wardrobe!

Anyway, back to the show. Wembley Arena? Absolutely enormous, darlings! I felt like I could have gotten lost in there, although, I can’t lie, I had my eyes peeled for that iconic Wembley arch! And it was the most spectacular backdrop you could imagine for the most dazzling performance of Swan Lake.

Let's face it, Swan Lake is like the holy grail of ballet, isn't it? You can't mention the B-word without thinking about this graceful, magical ballet! And I must say, I've never seen Swan Lake performed with such emotion and perfection! The swans, the prince, the wicked witch - they were simply phenomenal!

I mean, honestly, when that final pas de deux kicked in, I almost had tears in my eyes! So romantic, so heartfelt, it really tugged at the ol' heartstrings! And the tutus? Honestly, the most elegant and beautiful tutus I have ever seen in person. Imagine, all those twirls and leaps with the tiniest breeze, those white feathers fluttering gracefully - the absolute epitome of balletic grace. And trust me, after seeing this performance, I felt utterly inspired to get my own twirling and jumping skills back up to scratch. You see, I’ve been slacking a bit in my own practice, so ashamed! But, with Wembley fresh in my memory, I think it’s high time I hit the barre again, pronto!

Speaking of tutus, I can’t let you leave without showing off mine. My oh my, she’s a beauty, darling! A perfect fit, just waiting for the perfect opportunity to be twirled, twirled, twirled! Don't worry, a mini shoot will happen when I’m back in my Derbyshire home sweet home, and I’ll make sure you get a full view of the dazzling, glittering Tutu extravaganza.

But Wembley, that’s the thing – this performance reminded me of something else entirely, darling. It's that wonderful sense of community, of shared emotions, of the collective breath you feel in a packed auditorium. When those final chords sounded, the silence that filled Wembley was more powerful than any applause. I bet you, even the little ones who were with their families were mesmerized! Now, that is something you can only find in the theatre. You just can't replicate that in the world of Instagram!

While we are on the subject of magic, do you know what? On my journey back home, I was gifted another lovely experience! The most breathtaking sight, which made me gasp in pure delight! You see, on my train journey, a massive deer sauntered across the fields by the side of the train tracks, completely at ease amidst the rolling hills and green pastures. Talk about grace! It felt as though a vision from Sleeping Beauty had materialized right before my eyes! Honestly, I felt completely overwhelmed with this fairytale-like encounter, almost as if magic was swirling in the air around me.

So, there you have it, another whirlwind week of ballet and wanderlust, with more magic and wonder thrown in for good measure! My dear pink tutus, the journey's been so very exciting and it really shows me that the ballet world is just waiting to be explored. And you know what else, it makes me realize, if you have the right kind of magic in your heart, even travelling by train can feel positively delightful, wouldn't you agree? So until next time, remember, let's all make every day a little more pink and twirl-tastic!

P.S. Don't forget to follow me on Instagram, where you’ll get a behind-the-scenes peek at all the pink fun! (Links in the sidebar)

#TutuBlog 2017-11-03 in Wembley with a expensive tutu.