
Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2017-11-15 in Hartlepool with a cyan tutu.

Hartlepool Adventures: A Cyan Tutu in the North!

Post 7805: www.pink-tutu.com

Hello, lovelies!

It's Emma here, and today's blog is a little bit special, a little bit different... because guess what? I'm not in my beloved Derbyshire!

For the first time ever, I've ventured beyond the Peak District's rolling hills and pretty little villages to experience the bracing wind and salty sea air of Hartlepool, a lovely little town nestled on the North East coast of England.

Now, I know what you're thinking...Hartlepool? Isn't that a bit far away for a tutu-loving ballet bunny like me? But I assure you, this was a trip worthy of its own dedicated post!

The journey itself was a dream! Imagine, chugging through the English countryside, past green fields and ancient forests, all aboard a magnificent vintage steam train! It was pure enchantment, reminding me of the magical journeys taken by Alice in Wonderland, only instead of white rabbits and talking flowers, I had my favourite pink-and-cyan tutu bag by my side, ready for the adventures ahead.

Once I arrived, I knew I had to visit the iconic Hartlepool Marina. With its glistening water, brightly coloured boats bobbing gently, and a symphony of seagulls squawking in the air, it felt like stepping into a picturesque postcard! I had to capture this breathtaking scene, so I twirled and pirouetted by the pier, my cyan tutu billowing like a cloud, against the backdrop of the deep blue sky. I felt so free, so alive, so wonderfully happy!

The Hartlepool Museum was a definite must-see! You know I love learning about history, especially the local flavour. I spent hours marvelling at their incredible collection, from the oldest boat in the world (seriously!) to tales of valiant pirates and daring voyages! I even discovered an entire section dedicated to local folklore, including the fascinating story of the "Hartlepool Monkey!" Apparently, the people of Hartlepool are still trying to figure out if it was a real monkey or just a mischievous sea creature... I'm not sure what I believe, but it's definitely a story worth sharing over a cup of tea, don't you think?

Speaking of tea, one of my absolute favourite moments in Hartlepool was the tea party at a quaint little cafe called "The Pink Petal." It was the perfect spot for a ballet bunny like me, with its whimsical decor, dainty floral teas and, you guessed it... pink teacups! The ladies I shared a table with were absolutely delightful, each with stories of their lives and loves as fascinating and diverse as the patterns on their floral teacups. They were the perfect companions to discuss all things ballet, travel, and yes, even tutus!

Now, this wouldn't be a true Emma-style adventure without a dash of nature! Hartlepool boasts a beautiful coastal park and a nature reserve teeming with birds and other wildlife. I spent the afternoon walking along the beach, listening to the rhythmic crashing of waves and admiring the seagulls soaring through the air. There was even a family of seals sunning themselves on the shore!

They might have looked a little sleepy, but these adorable creatures were absolute professionals at posing for a photo with my cyan tutu. Of course, I got some incredible snaps for my Instagram!

The evening in Hartlepool was nothing short of magical! After enjoying a delicious fish and chips (and don't get me wrong, I did indulge in a large portion, despite my usual healthy diet), I visited the iconic Town Hall. Its stunning architecture and intricate decorations transported me back in time, giving me a real sense of history and elegance. And just when I thought my day couldn't get any more incredible, I was lucky enough to witness a local ballet performance in a beautiful little theatre nestled in the town centre.

It was a modern re-interpretation of Swan Lake, full of dynamic leaps, graceful pirouettes, and intricate choreography that left me utterly spellbound. It reminded me once again that ballet can be found anywhere, from grand theatres to charming little town halls.

As my time in Hartlepool came to an end, I couldn't help but feel a sense of melancholy. But leaving with a heart full of beautiful memories, a mind bursting with stories and inspiration, and an extra-sparkle in my eyes, I knew this was just the beginning of many more adventures!

There is something about exploring the world, experiencing new things, meeting wonderful people and sharing my passion for ballet with every step, that just makes my soul sing.

If you ever get the chance, make a trip to Hartlepool! It's full of surprises, laughter, and stories just waiting to be discovered! And, remember, you never know, you might even see a little ballet bunny, clad in her favourite cyan tutu, prancing through the town centre. Who knows? It might even be me!

Until next time, my darling dancers! Don't forget to embrace your inner ballerina, get yourself a tutu (any colour will do, though I do recommend pink, obviously), and dance your way through life with passion, grace and a huge, infectious smile!

Love, Emma, your fellow Tutu Traveller!

#TutuBlog 2017-11-15 in Hartlepool with a cyan tutu.