
Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2017-11-22 in Saint Albans with a european style tutu.

Saint Albans: Tutu Travels - Post 7812

Hello, my darlings! šŸ©° Emma here, your pink tutu-clad blogger, back from a whirlwind trip to the enchanting Saint Albans! Iā€™ve got to tell you, itā€™s not just the Roman ruins that are history-making, but this whole city is overflowing with charming old-world charm, and trust me, this tutu queen is feeling right at home. šŸ˜‰

So, how did I get here, you ask? Well, in true Emma fashion, I took the train of course! Thereā€™s just something magical about hurtling through the countryside, watching the scenery flash by, a pink tutu swirling with me as I take in every vista. It's a sensory feast! And Saint Albans just seemed like the perfect escape - all medieval architecture and hidden alleyways begging to be explored.

Speaking of exploring, my first stop was the Verulamium Museum. Now, if you're anything like me, the thought of historical exhibits gets you a little...bored. But hold on to your hats, lovelies! This museum is the epitome of "engaging." From the intricate Roman mosaics to the wonderfully preserved remnants of a Roman villa, I was absolutely captivated. I even took a stroll through the excavated remains of the original city. Just imagine all the lives that have passed through these walls!

Speaking of ā€œengagingā€, my second stop had to be The Alban Arena. Imagine a beautiful Tudor barn turned into a buzzing arts venue - thatā€™s the magic of The Alban Arena. They boast a full program, from top-class musicals and opera to theatrical performances and even comedy. My love for ballet, obviously, drew me in for an incredible production of Swan Lake! Now, you canā€™t take a pink tutu queen to the ballet without a twirl or two during the interval - and the other audience members seemed to love it!

But you know what makes Saint Albans even more enchanting? It's not just the architecture or the culture. Itā€™s that it manages to balance it all with nature. I found myself strolling through the beautifully manicured Verulamium Park the very next day, taking in the scent of the rose gardens and basking in the glorious sunshine. A park so vast, it even boasts an amphitheater! This would have been perfect for one of my ballet workshops - wouldnā€™t you love to learn ballet moves surrounded by natureā€™s beauty?

Later that evening, I couldnā€™t resist a visit to St Albans Cathedral - it is truly stunning, and even the most ardent non-believer like me is guaranteed to feel something special inside its hallowed walls. The sheer height of the nave and the stained-glass windows make the cathedral an unforgettable architectural masterpiece. I think even my beloved pink tutu wouldn't steal the show here!

Of course, a day in St Albans wouldnā€™t be complete without indulging my love for all things pink. I mean, my blog is called "pink-tutu.com" for goodness sake! šŸŽ€ So I made my way to The Little White Rabbit Tea Room for a little afternoon tea. And guess what? The teacups were a perfect shade of pink! (I even managed to snag one to add to my collection!). The food was simply divine, and the atmosphere so lovely.

Now, you've probably all figured out by now that this pink tutu-loving blogger adores a bit of wildlife spotting - especially horses. A few hours were spent by the Verulamium Lake, where I even encountered a couple of beautiful swans, preening themselves. Those regal white swans are always a good sign, and this time I felt an abundance of good luck for the coming week!

This, my dears, is a taste of Saint Albans - a place of culture and beauty that I'm sure youā€™ll find as enchanting as I did! It has something for everyone: history buffs, nature lovers, and even ballet enthusiasts like myself. This pink tutu princess gives this place two thumbs up!

Until next time, lovelies, donā€™t forget: life's too short not to wear a pink tutu! xx Emma.

#TutuBlog 2017-11-22 in Saint Albans with a european style tutu.