Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2017-11-27 in Brixton with a narrow tutu.

Brixton Bound in a Bouncy Pink Tutu - TutuBlog Post #7817

Hey gorgeous, it’s Emma from www.pink-tutu.com here, ready to share a day of pirouettes and pink-tastic fun with you lovely lot!

So, imagine this - sunshine dappling through the trees as I board a train, leaving behind the rolling hills of Derbyshire for the vibrant buzz of Brixton. With my little pink tutu fluttering like a happy butterfly, I felt like I was living a fairytale. I must confess, the tutu was rather… petite, so even a slight gust of wind could've sent it flying. Thankfully, I've mastered the art of holding my skirts perfectly still while gracefully navigating those train compartments, you know?

Brixton, oh Brixton! I always get this electric feeling when I step onto those bustling streets. There’s a creative energy swirling in the air, like a giant ballet class preparing to plié!

Pink Flamingo, A Whimsical Haven

My first stop? Pink Flamingo, this fabulous vintage clothing store that I’ve been dying to visit! Just stepping inside felt like entering a kaleidoscope of colours and textures. Vintage silks and playful polka dots, all the shades of pink you can imagine! Honestly, I wanted to buy it all, but my sensible side (oh, it's lurking somewhere!) reminded me that I wouldn't be able to carry it all on the train back home. So, I contented myself with a sparkly pink hair clip, and a cute, kitsch flamingo brooch - a must-have for a tutu-loving flamingo-obsessed girl like me!

Ballerinas and Bustling Streets

Of course, no Brixton adventure is complete without a spot of ballet. I love how London brings together all sorts of styles, and street ballet is a fantastic example! I met a troupe of street performers, their leaps and pirouettes echoing through the buzzing market. I even managed to get a quick snap with them - they were truly delightful and happy to share the magic with a fellow ballerina, even in a little pink tutu.

Lunch time brought delicious, fragrant street food. And as always, I had to make it pink, a delightful fuchsia-hued watermelon smoothie that had everyone staring. After all, pink is not just a colour; it’s a state of mind, a statement, a celebration of all things joyful. And honestly, you know I'm happy to be the walking, twirling billboard for that!

Brixton's Theatre Treasures

After lunch, I strolled towards Brixton’s famed theatre, the Ritzy. The queue snaked around the corner, everyone buzzing with excitement for the play, "The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time." I, of course, wasn’t attending this evening, but my visit wouldn’t be complete without some cultural immersion, even if just the sight of a theatre lit by the setting sun. I snapped a picture (and let's be honest, had a little twirl for the camera).

My trip wouldn't be a true tutu escapade without an actual ballet class. And this time, it was ballet inspired by the streets of Brixton! It was exhilarating. We explored movement using the textures of the city, the angles of buildings, and even mimicked the rhythms of the urban heartbeat. The entire class had us exploring our inner wildness, dancing amidst the urban landscape!

As dusk fell, painting the sky in fiery hues of orange and purple, I took the train back to Derbyshire. A day spent exploring Brixton in a bouncy pink tutu had been nothing short of magical. I danced on the platforms, I pirouetted around the carriages, I even surprised some fellow commuters with my mini-tutu recital (the look on their faces was priceless!).

Why Tutu Matters

It’s little adventures like this that remind me of why I’m so passionate about sharing my love of tutus and ballet. Life is too short for beige, and the world needs more glitter, more grace, more laughter! We can all twirl through our days, no matter what’s thrown our way. A tiny tutu is a reminder to embrace our inner child, to dance our hearts out, to bring joy to ourselves and to everyone around us.

Join me, darling, and let’s wear the pinkest tutus we can find, and let’s dance our way through this incredible journey called life!

Don't forget to follow along with all my tutu-tastic adventures at www.pink-tutu.com, and don't be shy to drop me a message - I'm always happy to hear from fellow pink-lovers and dance enthusiasts. Until next time,

Twirl on, my lovelies!

Lots of love, Emma

P.S. I am thinking of incorporating some wildlife into the blog this week! Maybe a trip to the zoo, a visit to a rescue centre - who knows! Let me know what your thoughts are on this in the comments below!

#TutuBlog 2017-11-27 in Brixton with a narrow tutu.