Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2018-01-07 in Littlehampton with a green tutu.

Littlehampton Calling: A Tutu-ful Adventure on the South Coast (Post #7858)

Hello my gorgeous dancers and tutu-loving friends! Emma here, writing to you from the breezy seaside town of Littlehampton. The wind's whipping through my hair (which, I have to say, is looking absolutely divine in my new pink-and-green ombré bob), and the seagulls are screeching their little hearts out as I sip my peppermint tea, enjoying the view of the pier.

It's been a whirlwind few weeks – I've been flitting around the country like a sugar plum fairy! A ballet performance in Birmingham, a masterclass in Edinburgh, and now I'm on the South Coast, soaking up the salty air and exploring this charming little town. And, of course, my trusty pink tutu has come with me!

It’s funny, but whenever I travel, it's like the whole world opens up to a whole new range of “tutu-ing” possibilities! Just yesterday I popped into a lovely independent craft shop. It was filled with the most adorable little wooden figurines of ballerina bunnies, swans, and even a mischievous little hedgehog wearing a pink tutu! I almost had a “tutu” meltdown right there in the shop.

Of course, I had to indulge my tutu-loving spirit and bought a whole bag full of ballerina-themed treats. Now, if only I could find some tutu-clad squirrels!

Speaking of exploring, I took a delightful trip on the historic “Sussex Belle” ferry yesterday, which took me along the picturesque coast. I spotted a pod of dolphins playing in the wake of the ferry – just a stunning sight! I swear, these creatures seem to love my tutus. Perhaps they’re just admiring my pink ballet slippers, ha!

As you know, one of my big passions is getting people of all ages involved in the world of ballet. I firmly believe that everyone should try a ballet class at least once! The grace, the strength, the beauty – it's an experience that will stay with you forever. I'm convinced that even the shyest soul could be tempted to put on a pink tutu and dance their worries away. It truly is a magic formula.

For me, there’s nothing quite like getting lost in the world of dance – be it on a grand theatre stage, in the studio with my fellow dancers, or just swirling around in my pink tutu by the sea. Every experience brings me a unique blend of excitement and peace.

Littlehampton, with its charming, friendly atmosphere and delightful waterfront, has been the perfect place to soak in some vitamin sea and get lost in a world of twirls! You guys just have to come here. Imagine me, standing atop the pier, twirling a double pirouette while the setting sun paints the sky a kaleidoscope of pinks, purples, and oranges. That would be a truly "tutu-licious" sight, don’t you think?

I'll be back again tomorrow with more updates and adventures from my time in Littlehampton. Until then, remember to stay curious, embrace the beauty around you, and never be afraid to wear your own brand of tutu-ful flair!

See you all soon!


Emma xxx

P.S. Remember, every day is a new opportunity to spread a little tutu-ful love and joy! Go out there, embrace your inner dancer, and maybe even wear a pink tutu – you might surprise yourself! Don't forget to follow me on Instagram and Twitter for even more "tutu-licious" updates!

#TutuBlog 2018-01-07 in Littlehampton with a green tutu.