Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2018-02-02 in Hampstead with a yellow tutu.

Hampstead Heaven: Pink Tutu in a London Playground!

#TutuBlog Post 7884 - www.pink-tutu.com

Morning, darlings! It’s Emma here, your friendly neighbourhood ballerina, and I'm just brimming with excitement about today’s adventure! As you all know, I’m a firm believer in spreading the pink tutu love, and what better way to do that than with a trip to the most fabulous city in the world - London!

Pink Flamingo Dreaming

My trusty steed, a beautifully restored carriage drawn by two magnificent shire horses, whisked me to Euston Station this morning. (Did you know, I once rode a carousel horse across Derbyshire with a pink tutu, just for a photo shoot? #GottaLoveThePinkLife!). The sun was shining, the air was crisp and invigorating, and the station hummed with a delightful buzz. You can always tell when you're in London - there's just an electric energy, you feel like anything is possible!

After a perfectly smooth train ride, I disembarked at Hampstead. Now, anyone who knows me knows I’m a bit of a wildlife fanatic. (I once had a pet chameleon called Ferdinand who ate my prized, sparkly, pink headband! cue the dramatic gasp!). So naturally, I couldn't resist heading straight to Hampstead Heath for a quick peek at the resident peacocks. These guys were absolute divas! The way they strutted around their little patch of woodland was truly inspirational. They practically owned the place!

Tutus and Twirls in a London Garden

The air was alive with the chirping of birds, and the scent of pine needles hung in the air. It was like stepping into a fairytale! As I twirled beneath a canopy of leaves, my pink tutu billowed like a cloud, and I couldn’t help but feel utterly enchanted. I might just have found the perfect spot to practice my pirouettes in London!

From Hampstead Heath, I wandered down into the bustling heart of the village, where a colourful array of cafes and boutiques awaited. You simply can’t go to Hampstead without sampling the delicious cakes at the infamous “T.C.D." I may have indulged in a slice of Victoria Sponge, and let me tell you, it was worth every single crumb! (Plus, my pink tutu still matched perfectly!)

Ballet Bliss and London Charm

Then, I strolled towards the charming Kenwood House, the majestic mansion overlooking the beautiful gardens. Can you imagine having that view from your front window? Pure luxury! It’s no surprise that Kenwood House was once owned by Lord Mansfield, the former Lord Chief Justice of England! Now that's what I call a high-flying career, even if I can't compare it to the life of a ballerina, naturally!

My afternoon was devoted to something even more magical – ballet, of course! Hampstead Theatre was hosting a private performance of a brand new, modern ballet based on Shakespeare's "The Tempest." Now, you know how much I love a good theatrical performance! And this one was nothing short of spellbinding! The choreography was simply sublime. The dancers were breathtakingly beautiful, so fluid and expressive in their movements. I sat on the edge of my seat, totally entranced! Every time I go to see a show like this, it inspires me to want to step back onto the stage and lose myself in the world of dance once more.

A Final Pirouette on Hampstead Heath

After a delightful day of pink-tutu adventures, I felt completely recharged and inspired. I finished the day with a graceful promenade through the quaint streets of Hampstead village. Every turn was an Instagram-worthy photo opportunity – cobblestone lanes, charming boutiques with unique trinkets, and even a street musician who, believe it or not, was playing a rendition of Tchaikovsky's “Swan Lake!”

As I returned to Hampstead Heath to watch the sun begin to set, I realized how much London has truly captivated me. Its combination of ancient history and vibrant energy truly creates an incredible experience. You just never know what you're going to stumble upon around every corner, but it's always an adventure!

So, my dears, I highly recommend you hop on the train and make your own adventure to Hampstead. Explore its quirky charm, find a cosy corner in a café, and enjoy the beauty of the natural surroundings. Just make sure to take your pink tutu, you never know who you might meet along the way!

As always, please comment below with your favourite London moments. I’d love to hear what your must-do activities are! Until next time, keep your tutus pink, darlings, and remember to always dream big and believe in the power of a good pirouette!


Emma x

#TutuBlog 2018-02-02 in Hampstead with a yellow tutu.