
Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2018-02-21 in Fareham with a cyan tutu.

Fareham Fun: A Tutu-tastic Day Out!

Pink-tutu.com Post #7903

Hello, lovelies! Emma here, your friendly neighbourhood tutu enthusiast, bringing you another pink-tastic adventure from the world of ballet and beyond. Today, I'm buzzing with excitement because I ventured out of my Derbyshire haven to explore the lovely town of Fareham! And of course, my trusty cyan tutu came along for the ride (because every trip deserves a sprinkle of tulle, right?)

Now, if you know me, you know that I'm a bit of a travel-holic. I love the thrill of hopping on a train, especially those steam trains that whistle and puff like a giant, metal pony. Or maybe I'll hop on the back of a magnificent steed, my favourite kind of 'choo-choo' train! This time, though, the call of adventure brought me to the seaside, a place I rarely visit. I have to confess, Fareham stole my heart. It was such a change from the green rolling hills of my home county.

First stop: The Fareham Shopping Centre. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a hardcore shopper, but even I couldn't resist wandering through the aisles. The place was buzzing with life! And that's when my inner ballerina decided it was time to show off. Because every good ballet dancer knows that a tutu looks good absolutely anywhere, right? I couldn't help but twirl amongst the perfume displays, the smell of lavender mixing with the scent of a thousand pink tutus!

After the shopping extravaganza, I had my heart set on something a bit more cultural. The Fareham Civic Hall is a gorgeous venue and was showcasing an amateur dance performance. You know I simply cannot resist an opportunity to admire some fantastic talent. As I entered the hall, I was overwhelmed by a chorus of "Oohs" and "Aahs" from the audience. Did I mention I was wearing a cyan tutu? It was the perfect ensemble for a night at the ballet! (Especially since, let's face it, I get so much inspiration from every dance I watch).

Oh, the show itself was just magical. I particularly enjoyed a contemporary piece that blended graceful movements with bursts of energy. The dancer's energy reminded me so much of the wildlife we spotted while on a relaxing beach walk afterwards. There was a little group of swans, gliding on the surface of the water with such grace, just like the ballerina!

Speaking of graceful gliding, I have to share a story that warmed my heart. While enjoying a picnic lunch by the harbour, I met a delightful group of pensioners, their eyes shining with the joy of reminiscing about their younger days. The lovely old ladies were discussing a school trip they went on to the seaside when they were all in their early teens, and their trip to the ballet in Portsmouth (yes, Portsmouth is only a short hop away, another place to put on your pink tutu travel list!)

"Do you love ballet?", they asked me, their eyes crinkling at the corners. I could tell they were a bit bewildered by my cyan tulle creation, and I took the opportunity to talk about why ballet is so important to me. You know me, I love spreading the love! In fact, I'm always telling everyone about the joy and confidence ballet can bring! It's not just about graceful pirouettes, it's a fantastic workout, a powerful way to express yourself and learn discipline. There's no need to be afraid to join a class. Why, I'm sure everyone at that lovely seaside hotel nearby (it's where I stayed! They even have a 'spa' with an outdoor pool, ideal for swan-like glides) could join me for a ballet-themed holiday next year! It could even be an adults-only weekend to show that it's never too late to put on a pink tutu!

But back to Fareham. Before leaving, I discovered the most beautiful sculpture: "A tribute to the fallen sailors." It was so powerful and poignant, reminding me of the importance of the sea and its people, as well as the strength of the human spirit. Perhaps it's a reminder to dance, live and explore with as much strength and resilience as possible.

That's it for my Fareham escapades. It was a perfect reminder of why it's so important to break away from the everyday and venture out to explore new places and experiences. And of course, a great excuse to put on my cyan tutu, a truly magical companion for any adventure.

Now I'm heading back to the Derbyshire hills, my heart full of memories and my soul feeling a little more... dare I say, ballet-tastic!

Stay pink, my darlings.

Emma x

#TutuBlog 2018-02-21 in Fareham with a cyan tutu.