Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2018-02-27 in Welling with a american style tutu.

Welling, Welling, Welling, It's a Wonderful World! (Post 7909)

Hey lovelies,

It's Emma here, and I'm so excited to be sharing my latest adventures with you all! Today, we're in the charming town of Welling, nestled somewhere in the depths of Greater London, and I've been waltzing around the streets in a perfectly pink American-style tutu!

As you know, I'm a firm believer that a pink tutu can brighten even the dreariest of days, and Welling was no exception. From the moment I hopped off the train, I felt a sense of fun in the air. Maybe it was the sunshine that was playing peek-a-boo with the clouds, or perhaps it was the excited chatter of the schoolchildren making their way home. But whatever it was, it certainly set the stage for a delightful afternoon of tutu-clad explorations.

Now, I have to admit, Welling isn't the most glamorous town in the world. But what it lacks in grandeur, it makes up for in character. And, believe me, a pink tutu makes every location, no matter how humble, instantly more magical! I love seeing people's faces light up when they see me swirling by in my sparkly tutu, a symphony of pink against the backdrop of everyday life.

I started my afternoon with a visit to the charming Welling Library. It's a beautiful old building, brimming with stories waiting to be discovered. It felt quite right to pause for a moment and imagine myself dancing gracefully amongst the stacks of books, a ballerina lost in a world of written magic.

Next, I ventured to the heart of Welling, a delightful bustling high street that boasted a fantastic selection of independent shops. From quaint antique stores filled with treasures from days gone by to cute little boutiques bursting with the latest trends, there was something for everyone. Of course, I had to indulge in some retail therapy, finding the perfect pastel-coloured cashmere cardigan to complete my tutu ensemble!

While I love all things sparkly and pretty, I’m also a huge animal lover, so I couldn’t leave Welling without a visit to the charming Welling Park. There's nothing better than losing yourself in the quiet embrace of nature, surrounded by the sweet songs of birds and the rustling leaves underfoot. And who could resist a few photos with the friendly ducks, who seemed to be just as smitten with my pink tutu as I was with them?

After a relaxing walk through the park, my adventure brought me to the beautiful Welling Baptist Church. Now, I’m not a particularly religious girl, but I find churches to be incredibly awe-inspiring places. Their quiet reverence, the beautiful architecture, and the sense of community all make them truly special. I stood in the pews for a while, just taking it all in, thinking about how fortunate I am to be living my life filled with so much joy and beauty.

And speaking of beauty, I couldn't resist stopping by the charming "Tutus for Everyone" shop, which is, coincidentally, located just across the street from the church. They had the most amazing collection of tutus in every colour imaginable - I felt like a kid in a candy store! After browsing for ages and debating between a sequined black tutu and a shimmery lavender one, I finally decided on a bold blue number for my next ballet class.

Speaking of ballet, my evening was concluded with an exquisite ballet performance at the intimate Welling Arts Centre. The program included a graceful interpretation of a classic ballet followed by a dazzling contemporary piece that left me speechless. Watching the dancers glide across the stage with such effortless beauty and skill is always a truly humbling experience, a testament to their incredible talent and unwavering passion.

My heart swells with pride and happiness knowing that, with each passing day, I’m spreading the joy of dance and the beauty of a pink tutu to a wider and wider audience. My mission to get everyone wearing a tutu is well underway. I might even dare to say that, soon, it might just become a reality! And I believe that it’s not just about the tutu - it's about inspiring people to step outside their comfort zones, to embrace the magic of self-expression, to dance through life with a smile and a spring in their step.

From my journey to Welling, I learned that a little bit of magic can be found anywhere, anytime, all you have to do is look for it! And for me, that magic comes in the form of a perfectly pink tutu!

See you all tomorrow for another fabulous adventure. Until then, remember to dance like nobody’s watching, to wear your pink tutus with pride, and to make every day a little more beautiful!


Emma x


#TutuBlog 2018-02-27 in Welling with a american style tutu.