Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2018-03-02 in Ramsgate with a italian tutu.

Ramsgate Romp: A Pink Tutu Adventure!

#TutuBlog #7912

Hello my darling dance divas! It’s Emma here, your resident tutu enthusiast, writing to you from the charming seaside town of Ramsgate! As I sit here with the salty breeze tickling my nose and the sound of seagulls calling in the distance, I can't help but feel utterly blissful. There's something truly magical about this place, and, as you know, anything with a hint of magic makes my little ballerina heart flutter with joy.

Today was all about the seaside shenanigans. I decided to swap my usual tutu for something a little more Italian-inspired. Picture this: a soft pink tutu, with swirling ruffles and a gorgeous sequined bodice that glittered in the sunlight, reminding me of those breathtaking Italian sunsets I dreamt of seeing.

I know you might be thinking, "Emma, tutus on the beach? That's crazy!" But, trust me, darling, when you’re a true tutu aficionado, any setting is an opportunity to dance! The sand was soft beneath my feet as I pirouetted and chasséed along the shore, the wind playing with my ruffles like a mischievous fairy. A group of children stopped to watch, wide-eyed with wonder, and it warmed my heart to see the joy that ballet brings, even to the youngest among us.

After my impromptu seaside performance, I indulged in some delectable Italian ice cream. It was a creamy, dream-like concoction that tasted like a pink cloud of happiness, perfectly complementing the sunny day and the colourful blooms cascading from the flower boxes lining the cobblestone streets.

But before we delve further into my whimsical adventure, let me tell you how I arrived in this charming little corner of Kent. I took a long, scenic train journey – oh, the joy of gazing out the window at the rolling green hills, quaint villages, and the occasional herd of cows (did you know I adore cows? They’re such peaceful creatures). This leisurely train ride felt like a ballet performance in itself; each clickety-clack of the train tracks was a soft drumbeat for my imagination, and I dreamed of pirouetting amongst the clouds with the wind in my hair.

Now, let’s get back to the seaside adventures. After my ice cream treat, I decided to take a stroll through the colourful streets of Ramsgate, taking in the sights, sounds, and, most importantly, the stories each building whispered. The architecture was like stepping back in time – beautifully preserved Victorian houses adorned with flower boxes and welcoming bay windows, perfect for people-watching and enjoying a cuppa with a friend.

The whole town had a unique and inviting vibe that had me falling in love with it more and more. You wouldn’t believe the number of independent boutiques I stumbled upon, each bursting with delightful finds. I discovered the perfect little vintage shop filled with pre-loved tutus - some with the most exquisite embroidery you've ever seen! It felt like stepping into a ballerina's paradise. I emerged from that charming shop clutching a treasure - a vintage ballet leotard that looked straight out of a ballet classic. Can’t wait to share photos on my Instagram later, darling!

My adventure continued at a delightful café where I devoured a delectable afternoon tea, savoring each bite of dainty sandwiches and homemade scones, all while indulging in a steaming cup of herbal tea. I had the best table by the window, which gave me a front-row seat to all the happenings of this charming town. From children skipping along the pavement to fishermen mending their nets, it felt like a film reel playing in front of me, full of quirky and colourful characters.

But my favourite part of the day came as the sun started to set. The skies were awash in vibrant colours – a tapestry of pink, orange, and purple – creating a breathtaking spectacle I couldn't resist capturing with my camera. The reflection of the fiery sunset in the shimmering sea was pure magic, like a glittering jewel on the water's surface. It was a sight that took my breath away.

So, as you can tell, Ramsgate truly stole a little piece of my heart. It's the perfect mix of charm, history, and beauty - much like my own little ballet world. This town reminded me that a bit of sunshine and a playful spirit can turn any day into a breathtaking performance, and that even the most ordinary of settings can be transformed into a magical realm for those who believe in the magic of dance.

Now, as the stars twinkle above me, it’s time for me to wind down for the night, but I can't wait to tell you more about my escapades tomorrow!

Remember, darlings, there's a ballerina in every one of us, and we can find a reason to twirl with joy in even the most unexpected places. Don’t forget to put on your tutu (pink is always a good choice!) and dance with abandon. It's the perfect way to spread a bit of magic and joy.

Until next time, keep twirling,

Emma x

#TutuBlog 2018-03-02 in Ramsgate with a italian tutu.