Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2018-03-04 in Cleethorpes with a wide tutu.

Cleethorpes Calling: Tutu Time by the Sea! 🩰🌊

Post #7914

Hello my beautiful darlings! It's your favourite tutu-loving adventurer, Emma, checking in from the gloriously windy seaside town of Cleethorpes! This place is like a whimsical ballet dream come true, full of seaside charm, swirling seagulls, and enough pink to make a flamingo blush. 😍

I’ve always had a thing for the sea. The rhythmic crashing of the waves reminds me of the rise and fall of my own pliés. It's an eternal, powerful energy, just like our beautiful art form. 🌊 I always say, if I could train with the dolphins, I totally would! (Just imagine the graceful leaps and pirouettes!)

Speaking of leaps and pirouettes, how can you even visit a coastal town without a magnificent twirl on the promenade, right? Well, I took full advantage, strutting my stuff in my super-wide pink tutu – think the frilliest meringue you ever saw! It caught the breeze and flowed like a symphony of pink, perfectly matched to the pastel sky. 🤩 There I was, a vision in tulle, doing some serious arabesques and chassé-ing, with the salty air and the sound of seagulls harmonizing my movements. It was absolute pure bliss.

A Touch of Romance and a Ballet Bistro

Cleethorpes has a quaint little theatre, too, tucked away in a charming square – a gem I discovered with my trusty travel map. There were whispers in the air of a local ballet school holding a performance – the quintessential little dance show I always love to experience on my travels. 🩰

I always enjoy the warmth and talent of amateur ballet. Seeing local ballerinas of all ages, from the graceful youngsters with their eager, hopeful eyes to the elegant older dancers with their decades of experience woven into each turn, it's something really special. Their passion always brings tears to my eyes and inspires me all over again. Their costumes weren’t the grand creations you see at the Royal Opera House, but they were lovely, each in their own way, full of creative flair and colourful elegance.

Even though my trusty horse (my faithful companion for any road trip) wasn’t able to make the journey this time, a relaxing ride on the train had me humming a cheerful tune all the way from Derbyshire. The gentle sway of the carriage brought memories of balletic fluidity, and the view through the window showcased the beautiful, lush greenery of the countryside, making me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

On the way, I stopped for lunch at the most delightful café, overflowing with pastel pink and lavender. They had a delightful ballet-inspired bistro, serving up delicate pastries and teas – all served on the prettiest little floral-patterned china! I enjoyed a dainty cake topped with swirls of pink buttercream (yes, you guessed it! I couldn’t resist!) while indulging in an uplifting ballet-themed book about ballerinas throughout history. It's amazing to see how many fabulous women have paved the way for our beloved art form. 💕

Pink Paradise on the Coast

Honestly, I could rave about this little coastal haven forever. From the vibrant pink ice cream to the stunningly coloured seashells I gathered on the beach, the whole experience was a kaleidoscopic celebration of my favorite colour! 🍦🐚

But it wasn’t just the colour that stole my heart; it was the sheer sense of freedom. I wandered along the pier, lost in the beauty of the sea and the invigorating, fresh breeze. And oh, those seagulls! They soared above me in graceful, effortless swirls – perfect examples of natural ballet in action! I'm convinced they have secret classes with the swans in the nearby lakes! 🦢

As evening settled, I stood on the shoreline, letting the sun paint the sky in shades of coral, rose, and tangerine. It was the perfect setting for some private meditation, my body still feeling the energy of my afternoon twirls. I reflected on the day’s adventure, feeling a sense of peace and quiet contentment.

And the day wouldn't be complete without a dose of whimsical whimsy, of course! I stumbled upon a charming little shop brimming with pink everything – clothing, shoes, accessories, and even the most beautiful pink tutu I've ever seen! It was a fairytale dream come true! I added this glorious creation to my growing collection, because, after all, one can never have enough pink tutus. 💗

So, Cleethorpes, thank you for your whimsical charm and delightful dose of pink-tastic beauty! I'm already dreaming of my next visit!

Until next time, my darlings, remember to spread joy, twirl often, and never be afraid to add a dash of pink to your day! 💕 And maybe, just maybe, that means rocking a pink tutu. After all, why wait for the world to be perfect to twirl?! Let's dance our hearts out!

Stay fabulous, Emma xx


P.S. Follow me on Instagram @pinktutuadventures to see more snaps from my seaside ballet adventure! And be sure to share your own pink tutu stories with me. I’m always eager to hear from my fellow pink-loving ballerinas! 💖

#TutuBlog 2018-03-04 in Cleethorpes with a wide tutu.