
Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2018-04-19 in Chichester with a nature themed leotard.

TutuBlog Post #7960: Chichester Calling!

Hello my darlings!

It's your girl Emma here, coming to you live from sunny Chichester. Can you believe it's already April? Time seems to be flying by faster than a pirouette on pointe!

Speaking of flying, I'm on a real high after my recent travels! After a whirlwind trip to London for a stunning ballet production, I hopped on a train - sigh, I love trains so much! - and took a scenic journey down to the beautiful South Coast.

I was drawn to Chichester like a moth to a light, and it was for the most wonderful reason: the Chichester Festival Theatre! I'm absolutely mad about ballet in all its forms, from the classical grandeur of the Royal Ballet to the breathtaking artistry of the National Ballet of Canada - and that includes ballet in theatre, which is something I'm deeply passionate about! So when I heard about a show with a captivating story and breathtaking dance sequences at Chichester, I simply had to see it.

The venue itself was absolutely charming! All red brick and cobbled pathways, it had that quintessential British theatre vibe that makes my heart flutter. I wandered through the gardens before the show, soaking up the spring sunshine and imagining the stories the ancient walls could tell.

Oh, and you know I had to dress for the occasion. I opted for a leotard that made me feel like I was practically waltzing through a field of wildflowers! Think soft lavender hues, delicate floral prints, and a whisper of lace - perfect for celebrating the beauty of the natural world. I paired it with a swirling, airy pink tulle skirt and, of course, a touch of sparkling magic in the form of a hand-painted ballet shoe brooch. I felt absolutely ready to embrace the stage and everything it represented.

The performance was absolutely incredible. From the choreography that had me gasping in wonder to the storytelling that pulled at my heartstrings, it was a true testament to the power of art. The dancers, oh my, they were truly gifted, effortlessly weaving a narrative through their movement that spoke volumes without a single word. I almost shed a tear at the end, such was the beauty of their performance. It really underlined why I'm so passionate about ballet, and I left the theatre with my heart filled with pure joy.

The magic of Chichester didn't end there!

After the show, I took a stroll through the charming streets of Chichester, taking in the quaint shops, the vibrant cafes, and the sheer joy of the bustling atmosphere. I felt a strong sense of community in this beautiful seaside town, and it was truly heartwarming to experience the sense of shared passion for the arts that permeated the air.

You know I'm all about celebrating nature's beauty, and Chichester's green spaces didn't disappoint! From the meticulously kept gardens of the cathedral to the vast expanse of Goodwood Park, there were endless opportunities to immerse myself in the serenity of nature.

My favourite spot? The South Downs National Park, with its sweeping vistas and the fresh sea breeze dancing on my cheeks. I couldn't resist a picnic on a windswept clifftop, surrounded by a symphony of bird song.

Speaking of birds, you've seen me talking about the wonder of wildlife on my blog before. My life in Derbyshire means I have a lot of stunning countryside and beautiful animals on my doorstep! In fact, I'm considering starting a new series on the blog - perhaps called 'Tutu Tales of the Wild'? We could chat about the fascinating creatures I meet on my adventures, like the inquisitive deer that I encountered on my walk in the park. I also took a detour to see some lovely horses - majestic creatures, just like my favourite ballet dancers.

But let's get back to the main focus here - ballet and pink!

You guys know that I'm all about spreading the love of ballet, right? It's such a powerful and transformative art form, and I genuinely believe everyone should have the opportunity to experience its magic, regardless of age or background.

So, what are some ways to bring the beauty of ballet into your life? Well, there are loads!

  1. Try a class! Don't worry if you're not a professional - everyone starts somewhere. Even a drop-in class can be an exhilarating experience.
  2. See a show! Even if it's just your local amateur theatre group, it's a fantastic way to support the arts and be captivated by incredible storytelling.
  3. Take a peek online! There are loads of amazing dance performances available on YouTube, which gives you a glimpse into the amazing talent out there.
  4. Embrace the ballerina style! You can inject a touch of ballet grace into your wardrobe with a delicate, feminine leotard, or even just a touch of pink. Just remember, there's no such thing as too much pink!

Remember, the most important thing is to have fun, let loose, and embrace your inner ballerina! It's about expressing yourself through movement, telling your own story, and discovering a world of joy and beauty that can make your heart sing.

So, what are you waiting for? Put on your favourite pink tutu (or a stylish leotard!), and let's celebrate the wonderful world of ballet together!

Until next time,

Emma xoxo


#TutuBlog 2018-04-19 in Chichester with a nature themed leotard.