Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2018-04-27 in Kendal with a black tutu.

Kendal Calling - A Tutu Tale

Post Number 7968


Hello darlings! I'm writing to you from the enchanting town of Kendal, nestled amongst the stunning Lake District hills, and my heart is brimming with the joys of adventure and, of course, tutus.

Now, you may be wondering, what's a tutu-loving ballet dancer doing in the Lake District? Well, this week, I traded my pointe shoes for hiking boots and swapped the ballet studio for the breathtaking Lake District trails!

You see, Kendal is hosting the legendary Kendal Calling festival, a vibrant mix of music, arts, and a whole lot of laughter! It's the perfect opportunity for a bit of a change from my usual dance routine - although, as you all know, dancing is my lifeblood!

I have to admit, the idea of a festival filled with live music had me twirling with excitement. It's been quite a while since I last danced amongst the crowds at a big festival. It’s time to release my inner wild child, my loves!

It was an absolute dream getting here. The journey to the Lake District always fills me with such joy. I boarded the train in Derbyshire, with a little suitcase filled with my favourite pink tutu, a sparkly, feather-trimmed headband, and a pink sequined handbag – just enough sparkle to brighten up even the most ordinary of train journeys.

I have a weakness for trains! There's something about gliding through the countryside, the world whizzing by in a blur of green fields and quaint little villages that simply calms my soul. And, let’s be honest, trains allow me to channel my inner ballet star and enjoy a little graceful performance! I couldn't resist doing a pirouette or two whilst waiting for my connection – I may have raised a few eyebrows in my full tutu outfit, but who's going to tell a pink-tutu-clad ballerina to put her feet up?!

Oh, my dear reader! I have so much to share from my journey!

I reached the campsite in the late afternoon and set up my tent – a whimsical floral print, of course, and just about managed to resist throwing in a handful of fairy lights for that extra touch of magic!

And speaking of magic… as dusk descended upon the beautiful Lake District, I found myself captivated by the vibrant colours of the setting sun. It was almost as if nature itself had orchestrated a majestic ballet, painting the sky in a spectrum of pinks and oranges. I took my pink tutu-clad self to the banks of a sparkling lake and watched as the sun dipped beneath the hills, transforming the world into a shimmering, rosy dream. I have to admit, I let loose my inner prima ballerina and twirled under that glorious sky, a true celebration of both dance and nature's magnificence.

Festival vibes had already begun to electrify the atmosphere, and I immediately immersed myself in the vibrant spirit. The air hummed with the excited chatter of music-lovers from all corners of the country. Everywhere you looked there was a joyous flurry of laughter and conversation, and I caught the odd burst of music from various tents – music festivals always draw a special, energetic crowd. The world around me had truly come alive.

But alas! My tale is incomplete without some ballet, isn't it? How could I resist a spot of dancing at a music festival?! The first day was filled with a fabulous selection of musical acts, with energy pulsing through the campsite. I lost myself in the rhythmic sounds of the music, twirling with the other revellers, my pink tutu catching the light and swirling around me like a dancing dream.

Between the gigs, I couldn’t resist slipping away from the crowds to immerse myself in the beauty of the Lake District. As I walked along a scenic trail, surrounded by vibrant wildflowers and the sweet scent of fresh earth, I realized that the rhythm of the wilderness echoes the music of our hearts. I truly believe that there is an inherent dance in everything.

This week, my dear friends, has reminded me why I live my life a little pink. It’s a beautiful world out there, filled with incredible sights, exhilarating experiences and the potential for joy at every corner! If you see me twirling through the park, rocking a tutu while riding my bike or exploring the woods, don’t just look; join me, dear friends! Embrace your inner dancer. Spread the joy. Live in your pink tutu.

See you all soon, Emma xxx

#TutuBlog 2018-04-27 in Kendal with a black tutu.