Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2018-06-03 in Manchester with a yellow tutu.

Manchester - A City That’s Definitely Got My Tutu Spinning!

#TutuBlog - Post 8005 - www.pink-tutu.com

Hello my darling tutu-wearers! How are you all doing? The sun is finally out in Derbyshire, and even my little flower garden is starting to bloom, just like my spirits when I'm about to travel!

I love to get away for a day or two, but there’s nothing more enjoyable than a proper long weekend jaunt, especially to a bustling, cultural city like Manchester. It's definitely not quite so green and rolling as my beloved Derbyshire countryside, but it has a charm all its own. And who can resist a little city chic now and again?

This trip, however, was even more special - my best friend, Fiona, was visiting from Australia, and as a fellow tutu enthusiast, you know what that means - ballet! And this city, known for its incredible music and theatre scene, definitely did not disappoint!

Tutu's at The Lowry - It's All About the Elegance

I packed my gorgeous canary yellow tulle tutu especially for this trip - it just screams vibrant city life. (Okay, maybe it screams ‘sunshine on a sunny day' more than ‘city life,’ but who doesn't love sunshine!) The theatre was dazzling and we snagged tickets for the Northern Ballet's production of Cinderella. And you know me, I just love those beautiful classical ballets, with their dazzling costumes and captivating stories. The dancers were absolutely sublime, all those leaps, pirouettes, and dramatic poses. It was breathtaking!

I felt truly inspired watching those graceful performers - they make it all look so effortless. I can only imagine how much work goes into mastering the choreography, the incredible strength and stamina required, the pure artistry. It fills me with so much admiration! I even spotted a young boy with a pink tutu in the audience. So exciting! It gives me hope for a future full of beautiful ballet performances.

My First Time on a Trambulance…

Fiona and I weren't going to let this Manchester visit be about ballet alone! There are plenty of exciting sights and places to eat in this amazing city. First up, we jumped on a "trambulance", which was hilarious, and took us into the city centre to wander through the vibrant Arndale shopping centre. Now, my love of pink extends beyond ballet to pretty much everything - imagine a tutu-lover with a penchant for pink, and that’s me! I could’ve spent hours browsing all the shops with their cute and quirky clothing and accessories. But let's be honest, Fiona and I both have a penchant for something even more charming - the cafes with their delicious cakes!

We spent the afternoon wandering down cobbled streets lined with beautiful buildings and cafes buzzing with activity. The architecture was phenomenal - so different to my quiet little Derbyshire village! And of course, every charming corner we came to led to a stop for delicious cupcakes and an even more delicious slice of lemon drizzle cake. The colours and flavours of the cake perfectly matched my tutu! (No surprise there - it's pretty much a rule of my life - matching tutu to occasion!)

A Magical Moment at Manchester Art Gallery

Feeling pleasantly plumped-up with cake, we strolled over to the Manchester Art Gallery - another beautiful historic building, bursting with colour. There's something truly inspiring about art galleries. It’s all about the passion, creativity, and the stories those canvases tell. We had a fantastic afternoon admiring the art – my favourite, ‘The Dream’ by Salvador Dalí - just surreal and utterly brilliant! I wish I could paint even half as beautifully!

And as much as I love admiring the grand halls of art galleries and theatres, my heart yearns for the vast expanse of the natural world! I couldn't leave Manchester without venturing out to Heaton Park - it's the biggest city park in Europe, and as a huge nature-lover, I had to explore. It felt like an escape, even for just a couple of hours, with its pretty lakes, green fields, and lush trees. We were even lucky enough to spot a beautiful fox (and I got a little too close!). It definitely filled me with inspiration.

Every Day Can Be A Tutu Day

Before you know it, my Manchester weekend was coming to an end, and I already feel sad saying goodbye. I do, however, have one final thought for you – remember how I was saying about a future full of amazing tutus? That future is happening right now, with every ballerina, every little girl dancing in her tutu, every guy feeling comfortable wearing pink - and yes, even every man out there embracing the pink tutu revolution!

It's my mission - and maybe you could help me make this happen too - let's spread the tutu love and make this a world where everyone can twirl and dance in whatever colour and style they choose, free from judgment, just like I do in every pink tutu and canary yellow tutu I can get my hands on. It's a beautiful future I hope to see in my lifetime, and it begins with you.

Till next time, lovelies!

And remember, you can keep up with all my tutu adventures at www.pink-tutu.com.

#TutuBlog 2018-06-03 in Manchester with a yellow tutu.