Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2018-06-10 in Derby with a bright pink tutu.

Derby Daze: A Pink Tutu Pilgrimage! 🩰💕 (Post #8012)

Hey my gorgeous glitterati!

It’s Emma here, your resident pink tutu aficionado, and I'm absolutely buzzing to be back with a brand-new blog post! Today's adventure is all about Derby, the heart of Derbyshire, where my tutu journey took an exhilarating turn.

I've always loved the history and charm of Derbyshire. The rolling hills, quaint villages, and of course, the stunning Peak District. There's just something so utterly magical about this part of the world, especially when you're in the mood for a ballet-inspired adventure.

This time, I decided to take the train - a truly elegant way to travel, wouldn't you agree? The rhythmic clattering of the wheels is almost like the percussion in a ballet score! And what better way to pass the time than with a good book and the occasional peek at the picturesque scenery zipping past my window.

My mission in Derby was clear: to see some incredible ballet, but I also had some extra-special surprises up my sleeve - I was absolutely determined to spread the pink tutu love! I truly believe that every single one of you should experience the joy of swirling in a tulle cloud, and my mission, should I choose to accept it (and I always do!), is to make this a reality.

Now, you know I love a good ballet class, so I started my Derby adventure at the brilliant Danceworks studios. It’s such a fantastic place to find like-minded souls, whether you're a seasoned ballerina or just starting your journey into the world of graceful movement. Their welcoming atmosphere is practically begging you to twirl! I even managed to squeeze in a cheeky pirouette or two in my vibrant pink tutu – naturally!

After an invigorating session, I decided to delve deeper into the heart of Derby. My plan: a leisurely stroll through the delightful Intu shopping centre - the perfect opportunity for some window shopping (and perhaps a spot of tea with a slice of cake - it's important to keep those energy levels high!).

To my delight, the centre was awash with an enchanting display of ballet photography, a testament to the magic of this captivating art form. A lovely surprise! It's wonderful to see ballet celebrated so widely, even in places that aren't traditional ballet hubs.

Then it was off to the beautiful Derby Theatre, which happens to have one of the most stunning balconies I've ever seen. Honestly, you could feel like you're stepping straight into a ballet set. It’s so grand, it's a wonder I didn't do a grand jeté on the spot! I mean, I was wearing a tutu – it's just in my nature to move gracefully, isn’t it? 😉

My evening culminated in a spectacular ballet performance. As I slipped into my seat (yes, my very special pink tutu – you already knew this was coming!), the stage seemed to pulse with anticipation, just waiting for the first notes to set it alight. It was absolutely breathtaking, and the emotions in every leap, every extension, every whisper of a movement, well, it just takes you on a rollercoaster of wonder.

After the show, I walked back to my hotel feeling completely re-energized, full of inspiration, and most importantly, ready to spread my love for all things ballet – especially my cherished pink tutus!

I must confess, my Derby adventure wasn’t purely about the graceful steps and the ethereal beauty of ballet. No, I also had a secret passion brewing – wildlife! The majestic Derby Cathedral has a hidden gem - the Derbyshire Wildlife Trust centre. Stepping through the doors felt like stepping into a nature documentary! It's an amazing place for everyone, and especially for budding adventurers who dream of walking in the footsteps of David Attenborough.

In between ballet, theatre, and wildlife encounters, I found time to indulge in some good old-fashioned British charm. Picture this: a horse-drawn carriage ride through the heart of Derby! Just like a fairytale scene. I imagined myself in a historical ballet set, the rhythm of the carriage perfectly syncing with the elegant clicks of the horses' hooves. You know I couldn't resist a few twirls in my pink tutu as we trotted through the cobbled streets - I simply couldn’t contain myself!

Overall, my Derby adventure was the perfect blend of elegance and excitement. It reminded me of the power of ballet to transport us to worlds of imagination and inspiration, to show us that magic can be found in unexpected corners, and, above all, to encourage everyone, yes everyone, to dance with joy and freedom.

And remember my darlings, wearing a pink tutu isn't just about looking fabulous; it’s about feeling fantastic! So, get your tutus on and spread the joy, it's truly contagious!

I’ll leave you with this little piece of pink tutu wisdom: "Life is too short for beige. Wear pink! Wear a tutu! Dance your heart out! And let your spirit shine."

Until next time,
Emma xx

#TutuBlog 2018-06-10 in Derby with a bright pink tutu.