
Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2018-06-12 in Westminster with a yellow tutu.

Westminster Wanderings in a Yellow Tutu! πŸ©°πŸ’›

Post number 8014

Good morning, my darlings! It's Emma here, your pink tutu-wearing friend, back from another day of adventure! Today I'm bubbling over with excitement to tell you all about my jaunt to Westminster, and no, you won't believe the sartorial choice I made for the day! πŸ˜‰

Remember how I've been dreaming about getting my hands on that exquisite lemon-yellow tutu for ages? Well, dreams do come true, and it finally arrived in the post last week, all sunshine-y and tulle-y perfection! I knew just the place to break it in, Westminster, the beating heart of our wonderful capital city!

After a rather dreamy journey on the train - did you know there's a new cafe carriage with delicious, lavender-scented teas? My, how delightful! - I arrived in the bustling heart of the city. I felt like a bright splash of sunshine amidst the crowds, and I loved how many heads turned as I swished through the crowds, my yellow tulle practically glowing. Honestly, you ladies, everyone needs a yellow tutu in their life. It's the antidote to the grey and dreary!

First on my list was, of course, a ballet performance! Westminster is bursting with talent, and today's treat was at the gorgeous Dance Place theatre. The production was called "Flight of Fancy" and the entire show was a breathtaking exploration of grace and freedom. It felt like the dancers were literally soaring through the air, and I swear, the lead ballerina's smile could melt the iciest of hearts!

After the show, I indulged in a perfectly pink iced latte at a quaint little cafe overlooking the Thames. It was the perfect opportunity to let my mind wander and dream up my next adventure. You know, darling, I've been thinking... maybe a weekend trip to the Isle of Wight to explore the beautiful coastal cliffs and hunt for rare orchids would be just the thing! Perhaps in a fetching coral-pink tutu?

Then, with the sun dipping below the rooftops of Westminster, I felt a pang of desire to experience some open space, so I ventured towards the Green Park, which felt like a haven of calm amidst the urban bustle. A gentle breeze played through the leaves, whispering stories of bygone days, and I felt myself falling under the spell of the green grass and the colourful blooms of summer. The park is teeming with life, from playful squirrels scampering up the trees to busy bees buzzing between the flower beds. The park truly captured my heart; It was like stepping into a painting.

But no adventure is complete without a touch of elegance, so I took a detour to one of London's famous tea rooms, for a truly decadent afternoon tea! Scones piled high with clotted cream and strawberry jam, delicate finger sandwiches, and of course, an exquisite selection of teas! Oh, darling, it was a symphony of flavours, perfect for a true princess like me.

After a final stroll through the streets of Westminster, basking in the golden hues of the evening sky, it was time to head home. My yellow tutu, once again packed in its luxurious velvet pouch, reminded me of the magic I'd experienced throughout the day. As the train rattled homeward, I was filled with a feeling of contentment, the scent of lavender and the memory of yellow tulle lingering in the air.

And now, as I write this blog, I feel that same contentment. You see, darlings, my adventures are always more meaningful when I share them with you! That's what makes this blog so special to me - sharing the magic of dancing, the thrill of adventure, and the joy of a well-worn tutu with all of you!

Remember, every day is an opportunity to live in a tutu! No matter what shade or style, it’s a symbol of self-expression, confidence, and pure joy! So go forth, darlings, and dance your way into the world. Wear your tutu proudly and let the sunshine of your heart shine through.

Now, off to plan my next adventure! Tell me, my dears, what should I wear for my next big outing? πŸ˜‰

Love always,

Emma πŸ’–


#TutuBlog 2018-06-12 in Westminster with a yellow tutu.