Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2018-06-15 in Norwich with a american style tutu.

Norwich: Tutu Tales of a Pink-Loving Ballerina (Post #8017)

Hey darlings! It's your favourite tutu-loving traveller, Emma, back with another blog post straight from the heart of... Norwich! Yes, this beautiful East Anglian city has stolen my heart with its cobbled streets, charming independent shops, and the most delicious Norfolk fudge I've ever tasted (seriously, go try some if you ever find yourself here!).

This trip is all about ballet, of course, and my trusty pink tutu, as always, has joined me on my adventures. Today's tale, my darlings, is one of those beautifully chaotic days that makes life as a travelling ballerina so much fun.

From Train to Theater

I started my morning, as usual, with a sunrise ballet barre session at my charming Derbyshire cottage (you know me, early bird, gotta get that flexibility in!). Then, off I went to the station, tutu carefully packed in my ballet bag. There's something so wonderfully romantic about train travel, don't you think? The rhythm of the tracks, the ever-changing scenery, it's a little like dancing on wheels!

And the best part? I got to chat with a delightful group of ladies heading to Norwich for a wedding. Naturally, the conversation quickly turned to fashion (what else!) and I proudly showed off my American-style tutu, which was a complete conversation starter! Everyone loved the bright pink ruffles and the vintage vibe – turns out it’s surprisingly easy to strike up a friendship with strangers when you’re twirling in a fabulous tutu.

Tutus and Theater Magic

Arriving in Norwich, the first thing I did was find a proper tea room, naturally, and had the most divine scone with clotted cream. It wouldn't be a British adventure without some tea and scones, wouldn't you agree? After all that yummy fuel, it was time for the highlight of my trip: a visit to the Theatre Royal.

The energy in Norwich was absolutely electric. Everyone seemed so enthusiastic and passionate about ballet, and I felt this wonderful buzz of anticipation as we all gathered in the theater, waiting for the curtain to rise. You could feel the energy thrumming through the seats, everyone excited for the magic to unfold on stage.

The performance itself was breathtaking! The dancers were simply amazing, gliding and twirling with effortless grace, their passion shining through every move. The whole experience was a magical mix of athleticism, artistry, and emotion, leaving me with a lovely little pang in my heart and a smile that wouldn’t disappear.

Norwich, the Horse Whisperer

The following morning, I ventured beyond the city's quaint cobbled streets to the rolling hills of Norfolk. My friend had told me about a horse-riding stable nestled in the countryside, offering beautiful rides through the nearby meadows and woodlands, and I simply had to go.

I’m not going to lie, I was a little apprehensive at first. It’s been a while since I’d ridden, but my dear chestnut mare, Clementine, was such a gentle soul, I knew I’d be safe in her hooves!

Riding through the fields with the sun on my face, feeling Clementine's powerful yet graceful movement beneath me… well, it’s like dancing, only you're actually outside in the fresh air! We cantered through fields of wildflowers and trotted along the leafy bridlepaths. It was utterly magical, my darlings! The perfect way to end a perfect day in Norwich.

Spread the Tutu Love

But here’s the thing, my dear readers. The magic wasn't just in the dancing and the horses. The magic of Norwich lies in its heart, in its genuine warmth and welcoming spirit. I felt this the moment I stepped off the train, and it only grew throughout the day. From the lovely cafe owners to the fellow theatre-goers, everyone I met embraced me with kindness and enthusiasm, making me feel truly at home.

This city has inspired me, my darlings. And that, my dear readers, is precisely what my life is all about: spreading a bit of love, a bit of magic, and a whole lot of tutu! I’m off to Derby now, but I already know one thing – I’ll be back in Norwich soon, to chase that theatre magic once more.

Until next time, may your steps be light, your days be filled with laughter, and may your tutus always be pink!



P.S. I couldn't leave Norwich without sharing some pictures of my tutu adventures, so make sure to check out the Instagram feed (link in bio) and join the tutu revolution. It's time to dance like nobody’s watching and let our pink tutus show the world that life is a ballet, and we're all in it together!

#TutuBlog 2018-06-15 in Norwich with a american style tutu.