
Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2018-07-13 in Rochdale with a bright pink tutu.

Rochdale Romp in a Tutu! 🩰

Hey darlings!

Emma here, your favourite pink tutu-wearing, ballet-loving adventurer, ready to share another dazzling day with you! Today’s blog post is number 8045, can you believe it? That's 8045 days of tutus, travels and tonnes of ballet fun! πŸ’–

Today's escapade took me to Rochdale, a lovely town nestled in the heart of Lancashire. I'd heard so much about the beautiful architecture and charming atmosphere of this historic gem, and I simply had to see it for myself!

You know me - I like to arrive in style, and what better way than by a picturesque train journey? As the train chugged along, I settled into my seat and gazed out the window, watching the lush green fields blur into a tapestry of pastel colours. I was already feeling excited about this new adventure, a pink tutu perfectly matching the blossoming fields.

Reaching Rochdale, I was met by a truly magical atmosphere. It's a town full of rich history, nestled within beautiful stone buildings with intricate detailing. The sunshine, I swear, even seemed to glimmer brighter here!

Now, for any of you following my adventures, you know I have a weakness for architecture. The Grade-I listed Town Hall, in particular, stole my heart! Imagine, darlings, beautiful stone carvings, towering turrets, and stained glass windows that lit up like a fairytale scene. I couldn't help but spend a good hour simply gazing up at this breathtaking edifice, envisioning the stories whispered through the stone walls.

Then, naturally, I found a quaint little cafe and indulged in a delightful slice of Victoria sponge with a perfectly brewed pot of Earl Grey tea. You know, it's so important to refuel the body and mind after a journey. A girl can't travel through time in her favourite pink tutu on an empty stomach!

My next stop was a hidden treasure tucked away within the heart of Rochdale: the Rochdale Canal. I’m always drawn to water, and the canal's tranquility felt almost magical. You could just feel the whispers of history carried on the gentle breeze that brushed through the swaying willows.

Walking along the towpath, I admired the stunning canal basin and the impressive red brick warehouse buildings, whispering tales of industry and innovation. And who could resist a glimpse at the gorgeous, colourful barges lining the canal, each one a mini floating masterpiece!

Speaking of art, you simply cannot visit Rochdale without paying a visit to their stunning art gallery. Now, this wasn’t just any art gallery – this was the home of one of my favourite Impressionist painters: Camille Pissarro. To imagine his paintbrushes sweeping across canvases, inspired by this very landscape, was truly mesmerising.

The day couldn't pass without some ballet, could it? Fortunately, Rochdale offers an impressive array of ballet studios, including The Dance Academy, which felt more like a whimsical, hidden gem nestled in the heart of the town. The studio pulsated with energy as the air hummed with the rhythmic thumping of tap shoes and the soft grace of ballerinas swirling through the space. It was a real treat to watch the young ballerinas hone their craft, their expressions filled with dedication and passion, like little butterflies, ready to spread their wings and take flight.

Evenings in Rochdale are nothing short of magical! Imagine this, darling, the gentle glow of the setting sun painting the sky in vibrant hues of orange and pink – the perfect backdrop for my ballet class! 🩰

The studio was lit with fairy lights, and I couldn't resist doing some of my signature poses right before starting my class. Yes, the local kids gasped and the mothers chuckled, but really, isn't a little bit of sparkle good for everyone?

The class was exhilarating, pushing me to challenge my skills and find a new grace. You know I'm always on the hunt for something fresh to inspire my moves! I learned a new arabesque variation, my teacher said it was as elegant as a willow swaying in the breeze – I’ll have to share a video of that on my next blog post!

You wouldn't believe this, but while walking back to my little cottage, I had the most remarkable encounter! Just as I passed by the local park, a beautiful herd of deer emerged from the woodland, their coats dappled in the soft evening light. Their shy gazes met mine, a silent dance of wonder and recognition. The scene felt like something straight out of a fairy tale. And it's those moments that make all the effort, the planning, the packing, the pink tutus, absolutely worth it!

I truly believe life is all about spreading joy and encouraging each other to embrace our inner passion! For me, that's ballet. I want to inspire everyone to take a leap of faith and try it, to feel the music course through their veins and experience the liberating freedom of movement!

And maybe, just maybe, while we're at it, I can get everyone to wear a pink tutu, wouldn't that be spectacular?

Remember, darlings, to always wear your heart on your sleeve – and a pink tutu on your legs!

Stay fabulous! Emma x

* www.pink-tutu.com*

#TutuBlog 2018-07-13 in Rochdale with a bright pink tutu.