Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2018-07-27 in Hove with a stiff tutu.

Hove, Hove, Hooray! (Blog Post #8059)

"Let's Go For A Tutu Ride, Everyone!"

Hello darlings! It's your girl, Emma, here, reporting from the gorgeous seaside town of Hove. I just had to come down to this part of the South Coast – the beautiful beaches and elegant architecture make it a proper little gem! Plus, Hove's known for being incredibly chic, which just screams “pink tutu” to me, darling!

I popped down on the train, you know, like the good old-fashioned glamour-puss I am, and I decided to make my outfit extra special. It’s all about going big or going home, right? So I picked out my sparkly hot pink tutu (gotta be my signature colour) paired with my cream lace blouse (so dreamy) and finished the look with a pair of super chic, super sparkly high heels (comfort be damned!). It was definitely a look!

Now, Hove is such a brilliant place to do a bit of exploring. You’ve got the beach, obviously, and it's seriously dreamy to take a walk along the prom with the fresh air in your hair and the salty breeze on your face! We Brits are blessed to live somewhere so beautiful. I have to say, the beach feels very inspired – like it’s urging you to dance with the waves and create beautiful movements! Maybe that’s why all the seagulls look like little ballerinas? Anyway, darling, if you ever come to Hove, you have to get a big scoop of delicious fish and chips right by the pier. It's pure heaven!

Hove also has this fantastic Regency architecture – all those big, beautiful houses just ooze style. You know I love a bit of old-world charm! I couldn't resist snapping some photos in front of some of these beautiful buildings in my hot pink tutu – you simply HAVE to get a bit dramatic when you’re in such fabulous surroundings, don’t you?

And the gardens in Hove are amazing! Just the perfect place for a peaceful walk or even a bit of picnic with your favourite pink tutu and a copy of my Tutu Gazette (make sure you check out the July issue!). The roses were especially stunning - absolutely bursting with colour and fragrance. It's like they're saying, "Life is beautiful and pink, and so are you!" – and it really gets you thinking about all the pretty things in life.

But back to the beach… I absolutely adore sea life, it just fascinates me so! The graceful seagulls flying overhead – their perfect little landings on the beach… They could learn a thing or two from ballerinas and vice versa, honestly! And then there’s all the fish hiding down in the depths – just imagine those scales shimmering in the sun, it's so elegant! If I wasn’t such a dedicated ballerina I think I might have been a marine biologist… well, you can't have everything in life, can you?

And hey, a ballet dancer always appreciates a good costume. I swear, sometimes those jellyfish look like ballerinas floating gracefully through the water… They should really join a company and tour, darling! They could even do their own aquatic version of "Swan Lake". Imagine, a tutu-tastic display, shimmering jellyfish underwater! Now wouldn’t that be magical?

Speaking of ballet, it goes without saying I went to a wonderful performance while I was here. It was at the Theatre Royal in Brighton (just a hop skip and a jump from Hove). They’re staging “The Nutcracker”, one of my absolute favourites. The theatre was so grand and I felt incredibly elegant in my tutu as I took in the beautiful performances of the dancers. Every movement, every jump, every graceful pirouette... just mesmerising.

Afterwards, I couldn't resist nipping into one of Hove’s charming boutiques and treating myself to a brand new tutu. They’re like chocolate to me, darlings, one’s never enough! I have to say, you can find some absolute beauties on Hove's independent shopping scene - just gorgeous unique styles, with so much sparkly goodness!

As I’ve said before, nothing makes me happier than twirling about in my pink tutu. It makes me feel like a princess, a queen, a super ballerina – everything! It’s so empowering, and you all should try it! What’s stopping you?

Oh! One last thing. Did you know you can get "ballet street" here in Hove? Yes, darlings, you heard right – street dancing in ballet form! The performers wore absolutely divine tutus, in colours to rival any rainbow (you know my thing – it’s got to be pink!) and their movements were absolutely mesmerising!

And so, darling, my little Hove trip has come to an end, but this little pink-tutu-wearing fairy is on the road again, travelling all over the world, bringing a sprinkle of magic and style wherever I go. I’m back on the train again, heading back home to my lovely little cottage in Derbyshire.

As you all know, a pink tutu can go anywhere and you should too. So get out there and explore, get out there and twirl, get out there and live your life to the fullest. And don’t forget, darlings, be bold, be beautiful, be pink, and above all, be tutu-ific!

See you soon for another magical adventure on the Tutu Gazette, darlings!

#TutuBlog 2018-07-27 in Hove with a stiff tutu.