Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2018-10-05 in Lancaster with a fashionable tutu.

Lancaster Calling! #TutuBlog 8129

Oh, my darling tutu lovers! How are you all doing today? The sun is shining in Derbyshire, but my heart is yearning for the vibrant streets of Lancaster, a city that always calls to me with its charm and history.

You know how much I adore travelling, and for this trip, I decided to ditch the usual train journey and go old school – a glorious ride in a horse-drawn carriage! Just picture it: the wind in my hair, the soft clopping of hooves on the cobbled streets, and me, of course, rocking my favourite pink tutu. You can’t tell me that isn't pure magical joy!

The ride was absolutely dreamy. It took me right into the heart of Lancaster, where the smell of freshly baked bread wafted from quaint little cafes and the air buzzed with a vibrant energy. I couldn’t help but take in all the sights – the towering castle, the bustling market square, the cobbled lanes, oh, how they beckoned me to explore!

And speaking of exploration, the first thing I had to do was pop into the famous Lancaster Grand Theatre. You simply can’t visit this enchanting city without experiencing its world-class theatre scene. My heart did a little pirouette when I saw the beautiful facade – grand and impressive, yet with a touch of warmth that drew me in. I spent a while soaking in the atmosphere, imagining the curtain rising on another captivating performance. I’m determined to catch a show here on my next visit!

Then it was on to my favourite part – the ballet studio! A girl can never have too much ballet in her life, especially when it’s at a studio buzzing with passionate dancers like me. It was exhilarating watching them soar across the floor, their grace and power captivating my very soul.

Oh, but wait! Before the ballet class began, I indulged in the absolute cutest moment - a delightful afternoon tea at the most charming tea room tucked away in a little corner of the city. You can't imagine the gorgeous little teapot and cups that they brought! We were surrounded by dainty china and, of course, I had to have my obligatory pink macaroon!

But of course, my mission for this trip was to spread the pink tutu love! It seems the folks in Lancaster are just as smitten with them as I am. I couldn't help but giggle watching people do a double-take when I pirouetted around town, my tutu twirling behind me. There were even a few brave souls who tried on pink tutus! I absolutely loved their enthusiasm. It just goes to show, my mission is taking flight, one tutu at a time.

It was such a joy getting to share my love for pink tutus, and everything ballet with the vibrant people of Lancaster. It just reminded me why I do this. Why I write this blog, why I travel far and wide, why I keep on sharing my passion for this beautiful art form.

If you're looking for your next big adventure, you must visit Lancaster! This is the kind of place that'll captivate your senses and leave you wanting more. So grab a pink tutu, hop on a horse-drawn carriage (or a train, I won't judge!) and get ready to experience the beauty and magic of Lancaster! It’s an unforgettable journey I’m telling you, just wait and see!

Until next time, dear friends. I hope you are all inspired to don your tutus and embrace a little bit of ballet magic in your own life.


Emma. xx

Don’t forget to visit www.pink-tutu.com and check out my latest updates!

#TutuBlog 2018-10-05 in Lancaster with a fashionable tutu.