Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2018-10-27 in Salisbury with a german tutu.

Salisbury - Pink Tutu Adventures #8151

Oh my goodness, darlings! It feels like an absolute age since I last hopped on the train for a little pink tutu escapade, but here I am, back in Salisbury! And let me tell you, it's been a whirlwind of frills and fabulousness.

The train journey was pure joy, you know, that feeling of anticipation when you know something utterly delightful is just around the corner. I was perched by the window, watching the scenery whisk by, all the while feeling my heart thumping with excitement - after all, today's adventures involved a very special German tutu, but more on that later!

First things first, a proper English breakfast at the station. You can't go wrong with a full English, can you? All that bacon, sausages, and fried bread... it’s the fuel a girl needs for a day of ballet fun!

As soon as I arrived in Salisbury, I was swept away by its charm. The cathedral, towering over the town, was simply magnificent - just like a fairytale! It's so hard to describe the feeling of awe when you stand before such an amazing building, isn't it? It felt like I'd stepped into another era, one filled with history, grandeur, and whispers of forgotten stories.

My journey started at Salisbury Playhouse. You wouldn't believe it, they had a most fantastic exhibition on ballet - imagine, all these costumes and props and everything! It felt so exciting to see how everything comes together in the magical world of performance. And I managed to get a sneak peek into the rehearsal rooms! Talk about envy, watching all those talented dancers in their lovely tutus, practising their steps with so much grace.

Now, the big moment - my German tutu reveal! I’d seen it online and knew I had to get it, even though the trip to Germany was quite a stretch from Derbyshire. This wasn’t just any ordinary tutu, darling, it was one with a story to tell! It’s a shimmering, almost pearlescent creation, with this gorgeous shade of lavender, you see. The layers are so delicately crafted, the kind that twirl just beautifully - just imagine all those extra swishes when you spin around, a sight to behold!

I went for a lovely stroll around the charming Salisbury streets, wearing my German masterpiece. People stopped to say how gorgeous it looked. You can’t go wrong with a touch of frill and flair. I stopped in at a local bakery, which you know I always do, where I sampled the most delicious pastry I've ever tasted!

Later on, I made my way to the heart of Salisbury - The Cathedral, where the beautiful stained glass windows captured the sun in dazzling hues. I thought about all those centuries, all those stories etched in the very fabric of this building.

My trip would be incomplete without a dance class, wouldn't it? Thankfully, a local studio was hosting a ballet masterclass right by the cathedral. So I popped on my ballet shoes, did my usual warm-up, and joined the lovely ladies for a fun class. I always feel such a surge of pure joy and energy when I move my body to the rhythm of music - there's nothing quite like it!

While I was exploring, I found this delightful little tea shop with this breathtaking floral wallpaper, simply charming. The delicate pastries they served were a dream come true - just imagine, perfectly flaky, dusted with sugar, with just a hint of pink! And oh, the tea! Such fragrant, full-bodied tea with this delicate floral bouquet… so fitting for my German tutu adventure!

It would be rude of me to go to Salisbury without a glimpse of the magnificent Salisbury Cathedral. I mean, the tallest spire in Britain, what a marvel! It's like stepping back into the Middle Ages - breathtaking architecture, beautiful stained-glass windows, a real sense of peacefulness. I even saw a couple getting married.

Before my train back home, I had one more thing to check out – Stonehenge. I’ve always wanted to see those prehistoric stones, and the landscape there, surrounded by fields, felt peaceful and mystical, almost out of time. It makes you think, doesn’t it, about the people who built those stones, the secrets they hold. It felt as if time had truly stood still. The colours, the hues in the sky - an ode to my pink tutu spirit, wasn't it?

As the train whisked me back home to Derbyshire, my thoughts were still spinning like the most exquisite twirl of my new German tutu. I can’t wait for my next ballet adventure. I just need to choose the perfect tutu. Stay tuned for more Pink Tutu updates.

And, dear reader, I always say - don't be afraid to wear a little pink. It might be your next amazing adventure! We can make the world a little brighter with tutus and ballet, wouldn’t you agree?

#TutuBlog 2018-10-27 in Salisbury with a german tutu.