Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2018-11-27 in Leighton Buzzard with a expensive tutu.

Leighton Buzzard: Tutu Adventures and Train Journeys!

#TutuBlog 8182

Hello my lovely tutu-loving friends!

It's Emma here, writing to you from a gloriously sunny Leighton Buzzard, a quaint little town tucked away in the heart of Bedfordshire. As you all know, I simply cannot resist a good train journey, and this trip was no exception. It's always such an adventure, watching the English countryside whizz by from my window seat. Today, however, the excitement levels were amped up a notch because I was on a mission to visit the Leighton Buzzard Theatre! I absolutely love the thrill of attending shows in theatres around the UK. They always seem to have such charming character and offer an amazing cultural experience, and this one was no exception!

A Day of Elegance and Pink, of course

To commemorate my visit to this lovely town, I knew I had to pull out all the stops. And what better way to do so than with a fabulous new tutu, lovingly crafted from layers of pink tulle that swirled around my legs with each step I took. The train carriage practically erupted with "Oohs!" and "Aahs!" as I settled into my seat, and honestly, what better compliment is there than being stopped by complete strangers who want to admire your tutu?!

It really did feel like the ultimate power move - embracing my passion for ballet, the colour pink, and all things elegant and twirly, all whilst travelling in style. I think it was just what I needed after a bit of a stressful week at work. Nothing like a trip out, and a pretty tutu, to chase away the blues.

The train journey, even in its usual bustling chaos, felt wonderfully peaceful in my little pink-tutu-bubble of joy. As I admired the ever-changing scenery whizzing past my window, my head filled with dreamy melodies of Tchaikovsky and Debussy - perfect inspiration for my future choreographic endeavors! I'll be posting a ballet class video later this week inspired by my journey today.

Wildlife and More Wildlife

I do love my adventures! It is no secret that my true passion lies with both wildlife and the world of dance, so when I got off the train at Leighton Buzzard, I knew I had to combine both! Just around the corner from the theatre was a gorgeous little nature reserve with a peaceful lake and loads of fluffy ducks and geese! So cute, and very happy to pose for pictures for my Instagram. Of course, I just had to have a few ballet-inspired poses near the lake to pay homage to the wildlife!

A Tutu in the Theatre

And then, it was time for the main event - the Leighton Buzzard Theatre. Oh, the anticipation! As I approached the entrance, it struck me - even in a sleepy town like Leighton Buzzard, the local community comes alive for theatre and entertainment. It's something that really fascinates me, and makes me wonder about all the amazing experiences that can happen on the other side of those theatre doors.

Thankfully, the doors were about to swing open for me! This weekend's production was a stunning musical. I won't spoil anything, but let me just say it's worth the trip to Leighton Buzzard just for this alone! And, of course, my tutu was definitely noticed - lots of smiles from audience members who recognised my #TutuBlog look! It always gives me so much joy to see the happiness and warmth that my tutu inspires. Maybe one day, I'll design my own theatre stage sets!

Tutu Talk!

On my journey home, the subject of the tutu came up. There was an adorable group of girls in the train carriage (two had fluffy, colourful bunny rabbit plushies - sooo cute!) who were all asking me about it. "What is that thing you are wearing?" was the main question. I loved explaining it, but had a real internal debate: Should I give a complicated explanation about my artistic expression or just say it's a tutu?

The bunny girls looked mesmerised as I told them about the ballet and how fun it is. They giggled with me when I spun around showing them my twirly layers of pink tulle. Maybe they are my new #PinkTutu ambassadors! They really liked it, I even noticed that the girls had their pink bunnies in a tutu pose by the time we got to our station. If even fluffy bunnies can wear a tutu, surely everyone can, right? It was an important mission to spread my message: ballet can be for anyone, even fluffy rabbits.

More to Come!

That’s all for today’s post. Until next time, you can keep up with my #PinkTutu adventures by checking my Instagram. It’s a new one every day and the most up to date, although this daily blog is definitely the place to get to know my full story, how my love of pink and ballet came about. There’s much more coming! And don’t forget - you too can wear a pink tutu, dance in a pink tutu, maybe even go and watch some wonderful theatre and ballet! Remember: everyone can dance and wear pink, and don't forget, every day is a perfect day to twirl. I’ll be back tomorrow for more tutu adventures. xx


*Disclaimer: This blog post is purely fictional and has been created as a response to a creative prompt. Any resemblance to actual individuals, locations or events is entirely coincidental.*

#TutuBlog 2018-11-27 in Leighton Buzzard with a expensive tutu.