Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2018-12-23 in Wigston Magna with a fluffy tutu.

Wigston Magna: Pink Tutu Adventures, Post #8208

Hello darlings! Emma here, your resident pink tutu enthusiast, ready to share another whimsical day of ballet bliss! It's been a busy few days (what else is new?!) but I'm finally catching my breath to tell you about my incredible journey to the heart of Leicestershire - Wigston Magna!

Now, let's be honest, this little town isn't exactly known for its glittering ballet scene. But I’m on a mission, you know - spreading the pink tutu gospel to every corner of the British Isles (and beyond!). This isn’t just about ballet; it’s about celebrating life with a touch of magic and twirling joy. And you just never know where you might find it.

This morning started with a delicious breakfast in my favourite pink floral teapot and a chat with my adorable, furry friend, Whiskers the fluffy cat. He's quite the connoisseur of pink ribbons, so you know I was in good company! My day wasn't complete, however, without some quality time in the world of ballet.

And where do I head when my ballet-craving strikes? Why, the magical realm of the internet, of course! You know how much I love the grace and passion of ballet theatre productions - those stunning costumes, the sweeping stage sets, the sheer elegance of it all...pure magic! Today, I lost myself in a video of Swan Lake. The passion, the energy, the pure artistry! This is what fills my soul. A good dance session truly does help ground you, making you appreciate the simplest of pleasures - a cup of tea, a good book, or even the sound of a nearby bird.

Then, as afternoon drew nearer, I decided on my transport for this grand adventure to Wigston Magna. Did I mention how much I adore horse riding? It's the ultimate graceful form of transportation, perfect for a pink tutu lover. After all, there's nothing quite as liberating as riding through fields of golden wheat, with a gentle breeze playing in your hair, your tutu billowing in the wind!

The journey took me through some of the most breathtaking countryside scenery - lush rolling fields dotted with quaint villages, like little jewels scattered across a green canvas. And guess what?! Right there in the middle of a field, nestled amongst a flock of curious sheep, I spotted a fluffy, white pony. He was so perfectly pink-tutu-esque! I could tell we'd be friends. My camera went click-clack, capturing the moment of course - because wouldn't it be wonderful to spread the love for ballet to every creature, even the furry kind?!

Once I arrived in Wigston Magna, I was met with a sense of quiet charm. This was definitely a town brimming with its own unique beauty, the kind you discover in hidden alleyways and vintage shops, amongst local farmers markets filled with vibrant fresh produce and charming flower stalls. I couldn’t resist snapping a few pictures – they’ll go wonderfully on my social media later!

I always make a point of visiting local museums whenever I travel. And you know me, a history buff at heart. This town is steeped in it! The Wigston Magna Museum houses some incredible artefacts – ancient pottery, tools used by local artisans, and fascinating photographs that offer a glimpse into the town’s fascinating past. It’s incredible to see how places like this have transformed over the years! You can feel the town’s story swirling around you, whispering secrets through the centuries!

My adventures continued with a delectable cream tea, because, well, when in Britain, it's a necessity! You wouldn’t believe the delectable strawberry jam! I know I mentioned the love of the vibrant hues of pink - it certainly translates to food. A little bit of pink goes a long way and reminds us that a little splash of colour is a celebration!

Now, how about a little street dance performance? Not that I need to, with my fluffy tutu flowing so effortlessly behind me! Wigston Magna surprised me, with the bustling town square full of life - buskers playing melodies on their guitars, children playing, and, you guessed it, street dancers. I got swept away by their energy, the rhythmic beats drawing me in with its infectious rhythm! There's a beautiful power in these impromptu bursts of performance - bringing people together with joy and energy, creating little pockets of shared experience.

Speaking of shared experiences - after a day of soaking in the vibrancy of Wigston Magna, I decided it was time to give back a little! This tiny town may not have a grand ballet theatre, but that doesn't mean they can't enjoy a sprinkle of ballet magic! My phone (aka my personal pink-tutu microphone) soon became my tool to inspire the locals - I taught a free impromptu class in the middle of the square!

There’s no need to have a dance background - you don’t have to be perfect to dance! Just let loose and let the music take you on a journey of expression! We went through a simple set of elegant steps - a few pirouettes, a bit of relevé, and some basic arabesque variations, just to inspire them with that feeling of graceful elegance that makes me so happy!

It didn’t take long for a little group to join me. We had laugh, we had fun, we twirled! There was an innocence, a carefree abandon in those fleeting moments of pure, unadulterated joy, It wasn’t a traditional class by any means - more of a celebration of ballet magic. And as I looked at their faces, lit up with joy and wonder, I knew my heart was brimming with warmth!

Leaving Wigston Magna wasn’t easy - there’s such a quaint, peaceful charm in the way life flows here. I just love those small towns - they hold such big hearts. As the sun began its descent, I rode out of the town, the pink hues of the evening sky mirroring my tutu. There’s nothing quite as lovely as the gentle golden rays reflecting on the rolling countryside as you're gently riding alongside your equine companion. And you know what? I can't think of a better way to end this glorious adventure than by promising to come back again soon, dear Wigston Magna, a little bit of pink-tutu magic and pure, unadulterated fun in tow!

So, until my next grand adventure, stay tuned, my loves, to www.pink-tutu.com !

With much love, twirling and pink hues,

Emma xo

#TutuBlog 2018-12-23 in Wigston Magna with a fluffy tutu.