Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2019-01-03 in Deal with a german tutu.

#TutuBlog 8219: Berlin: Deal with a German Tutu!

Hello, my dearest tutu-loving darlings! It's Emma here, and oh my goodness, you will never believe what adventures I've been having! This time I’ve been wandering about Berlin, which is the most fabulous and stylish city I've been to in ages.

Now, you know I can't resist a trip involving trains – especially on my whimsical jaunts across Europe! The chugging of the engine and the views from the window
 just so magical! I did have one funny moment though - a cheeky fellow traveller on my journey to Berlin kept telling me how lovely my pink tutu was
 oh, he clearly didn’t get the vibe at all. Let’s just say, there’s nothing that says “ballet-loving, tutu-wearing blogger" quite like the gentle rhythm of the railway and the wind tousling your hair as you’re wearing your tutu. It's pure magic, I tell you!

But enough about my train travels, let's talk about Berlin! What a fabulous city - so much culture, beautiful buildings, history
 and some amazing tutu-worthy ballet. Did you know, dear readers, that the ballet scene in Berlin is just so fantastic? They’ve got it all: grand theatre ballets with phenomenal classical technique, to innovative, modern-day pieces that'll make your heart beat faster than a jetĂ©! I spent a few nights catching some extraordinary performances, and, as you might expect, I simply couldn't resist donning a pink tutu for the occasion – and a particularly flamboyant feather boa. I can’t wait to tell you all about it, but you know I just have to save some of the gossip for tomorrow.

The highlight of my trip? Oh, my dear ones, it just had to be the Berlin Wall memorial. Standing there, amongst the reminders of that very complex and poignant past
 you feel such a strange blend of sorrow, but also hope, inspiration, and strength, don't you? I had to, of course, have my photo taken. Just imagine the look on the faces of the German tourists! But I must admit, after my lovely, long journey, I did want to catch some rest. That's where my lovely Airbnb came in! A gorgeous little apartment right in the heart of the city, where I spent my evenings in the cutest kitchen, drinking a cuppa and planning my adventures with a view across the rooftops.

I confess, the architecture just took my breath away! All the ornate details on those beautiful buildings - the graceful columns, the grand balconies – oh my! You could feel so much history swirling around, just whispering stories through those centuries-old walls. I can see why so many great minds and creative spirits were attracted to Berlin - it's simply an inspiration.

Of course, being a fashion-forward tutu-obsessed ballerina like myself, Berlin has become my newest obsession for shopping! Think vintage boutiques overflowing with incredible one-offs, hidden designers creating extraordinary gowns with beautiful embroidery, and a scene of independent fashion, art, and creativity that just keeps surprising you around every corner. I made sure to pick up a couple of very extra and completely fabulous pieces for my wardrobe - something that, of course, would be the perfect way to complement any tutu and inspire the rest of you on www.pink-tutu.com to try a bolder approach to fashion!

However, I wouldn't call myself a shopaholic. There's a little more to life than tutus and high heels, though, of course, you must admit that a lovely pair of shoes just gives your OOTD that little something special.

My trip to Berlin was filled with fun, and even a few wildlife adventures - what could be more fun than spending an afternoon watching a bunch of wild squirrels chasing each other around Tiergarten Park? I swear they were all wearing their own tiny ballet shoes, pirouetting around those tree trunks! My readers know how I adore those fuzzy little creatures! Maybe it’s because they’re so playful or perhaps their cute bushy tails – you just have to love squirrels.

As my trip neared its end, I found myself wishing for a ride on a horse-drawn carriage through those amazing Berlin streets. I can’t resist a romantic journey on the back of a horse – especially when there are so many gorgeous buildings to admire. Now, this is another reason I just love Europe! I'm a total sucker for charming villages, churches with breathtaking spires reaching for the heavens, old-fashioned horse-drawn carriages, and the quaint shops and cafes tucked away on quiet, cobbled lanes. Oh, my dearest darlings! The magic of Europe - you can't help but fall under its spell, just like the characters from my beloved ballets!

Speaking of ballets, I know a few of you are curious about my ballet training. It's an absolute necessity to maintain my dance fitness, but honestly, being surrounded by that ballet energy is simply divine, especially the sheer camaraderie of fellow dancers. The way we connect as we stretch together, and how we encourage each other - it's the closest to pure love that you’ll ever get. So, I was so glad to have slipped in a ballet class while I was in Berlin. I had the most wonderful time, even if my teacher didn’t appreciate my attempts to perform a little “Swan Lake” ballet in the middle of class (all those moves! My tutu was in danger of coming off! - oops, almost let a secret out, didn’t I?) But all in all, the dancing experience was beautiful, and you know I just have to squeeze in some dance classes everywhere I travel - because if you are ever to be truly elegant and refined - ballet training is essential!

Speaking of being truly elegant - I’m planning to spend the evening going out for dinner - a bit of fancy food and a chance to have some fun. You wouldn’t believe how much effort goes into finding the perfect outfit for my adventures around the city and ballet shows! It’s such a shame I have to fly home to Derbyshire. I will need to pack a lot in my little case. The challenge for any ballerina!

My dear tutu-loving followers, Berlin, you were an amazing journey. Until next time!

Love and hugs (and, of course, pink tutus),


(PS – If you are not yet a fan of ballet – get yourself down to a show. It will take your breath away! I have been posting ballet photos, ballet music and my latest travel diary entries on my social media - I promise you that you won’t be disappointed! All those steps
 I hope one day you can join me for a class! We will have such fun and maybe we could wear matching pink tutus! Do give me a like or a message and say "hello"! I’d love to hear from you, my darlings!)

#TutuBlog 2019-01-03 in Deal with a german tutu.