Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2019-01-28 in Consett with a orange tutu.

Consett Calling! Tutu Tales #8244

Hello darlings! Emma here, ready to share another day of pink-tutu-powered adventures with you. I’m absolutely buzzing because today’s trip took me all the way to Consett! Now, Consett may not be the most obvious destination for a tutu-loving ballet enthusiast like myself, but trust me, it’s about to become a whole lot more exciting thanks to the magic of… (drumroll) …ballet, of course!

The journey, as always, was part of the adventure. Today I opted for a rather romantic, albeit slightly unconventional mode of transportation. The Derbyshire countryside looked positively enchanting bathed in the soft glow of dawn as I rode side-saddle on my trusty steed, Zephyr, towards the train station. A little detour through the meadow to say hello to the fluffy sheep was a delightful little break from the journey.

The train station was bursting with life - it's always so lively. You get such a cross section of people heading off to all sorts of different places! My favourite thing is eavesdropping on their conversations and trying to imagine their stories. I bet they'd never guess I was off to Consett for a spot of ballet!

I’m always amazed by the way a simple train journey can transport you to a whole other world, and that’s exactly what happened when I stepped off at Consett station. It was almost like entering another realm – with its bustling little market and charming streets full of history. The air felt different, invigorating somehow!

Consett itself is brimming with so much charm and warmth. The local businesses were brimming with life, and everyone I passed seemed genuinely delighted to see me. It was like stepping back in time with its beautiful Victorian architecture and cozy little shops, and I just had to make a note to come back again, Maybe even book a long weekend here? Maybe a hotel? Perhaps somewhere near a country park with a view?

You might be thinking "What on earth could possibly lure Emma to Consett of all places?" Well, let me tell you, my darlings! It all started with a serendipitous Instagram scroll - one which caught my eye like a dazzling diamond nestled amidst the everyday. It was an image of the Consett Ballet Academy - an independent studio tucked away in the heart of Consett. They offer everything from classical ballet and modern dance to theatre performances!

My heart just about jumped out of my chest! A new ballet studio?! You already know I had to go and visit!

My orange tutu (oh, isn't it a gorgeous shade, I must say! ) looked pretty fabulous against the grey stone buildings of Consett, and trust me, my arrival was an absolute spectacle. There were so many smiles and even a few ‘ooh’s and ‘aah’s’, - and of course, several eager attempts at snapping pictures of my amazing outfit! It’s nice to know that the simple act of wearing a tutu can bring a touch of joy to someone's day.

After all, isn't it all about spreading joy? That's the goal, darling.

I walked into the Consett Ballet Academy and my eyes were met with such colour, excitement and passion for dance that I couldn't help but feel my own heart dancing right alongside. The energy of the students filled the whole place, each one working with such focus and dedication. The sheer joy on their faces was infectious! It made me yearn for the time I could join them in class - I swear, I even felt the urge to skip across the studio floor in my oh-so-fabulous orange tutu!

I'd planned to just pop in and take a quick peek - after all, I'm busy bee and this was only one part of my big Consett adventure. But of course, it wasn't meant to be! The incredibly kind and welcoming Principal of the Academy was a total darling, and she invited me to stay for a spot of ballet.

How could I possibly say no to a dance class with these wonderful dancers, surrounded by such amazing energy and passion for all things ballet? I threw on my ballet shoes and let myself get lost in the magic of movement.

Let's just say, I absolutely fell in love with these incredible, inspiring people. They reminded me why I love ballet so much! Their dedication and love of the dance was truly moving. The atmosphere was simply magical. And honestly, it gave me all the motivation I need to keep my own dancing passion burning bright. (Not to mention that I now have a list of fantastic new exercises I can't wait to try myself.)

But it wouldn’t have been a proper Emma-style Consett visit without some exciting, theatrical treats too. Right? So, we strolled over to Consett's theatre which is a beautiful Victorian gem, boasting the most gorgeous intricate detailing - I love architecture like that! It just screamed for a storybook tutu-tastic event - like a fancy dress ballet-themed ball! Oh, what an idea… maybe one day? We'll see… (My brain’s always whirring away, coming up with ideas.)

And, oh my, let me tell you - what a performance they put on! It was incredible! I don't even know how to describe the breathtaking blend of skill, emotion, and storytelling! The dancers brought every note and every scene to life with such raw energy. They truly had me mesmerized for the whole show!

My dear reader, don’t forget my promise to make everyone try ballet - especially here in Consett! The vibrant arts scene and the passionate dedication to dance in this town are utterly inspiring! It’s a reminder that magic can be found anywhere you go, just waiting to be uncovered with a little bit of curiosity, a sprinkle of adventure, and of course, a fabulous pink tutu.

Speaking of, did I mention that I’m hosting a special workshop at the Consett Ballet Academy next week? I can't wait to share my ballet tips with you all! It'll be a great chance to let your inner ballerina shine, learn some new moves and perhaps even make new ballet-loving friends.

So darling, that's all for now! Be sure to check out www.pink-tutu.com tomorrow for my next exciting blog post. Until then, keep twirling, darling, and stay tuned for a truly tutu-filled life.

Lots of love, Emma


#TutuBlog 2019-01-28 in Consett with a orange tutu.