Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2019-02-16 in Manchester with a american style tutu.

Manchester Calling! 💖 Tutu Time in the City of Rain ☔️

Hey lovely dancers! It's your girl Emma, back with another post from the tutu trail - this time from the bustling streets of Manchester! 🩰

This is post number 8263, and I'm feeling extra excited, as I’ve finally got my pink-tutu-loving self to one of my all-time favourite cities. Manchester has been calling for a while now, with its rich history, stunning architecture, and a cultural buzz that’s totally electrifying. And as you know, I couldn’t possibly come without my trusty tutu - today’s look is all about that sassy, American-style tutu! 💖

The journey itself was an adventure! I boarded the train at Matlock Bath, my little Derbyshire haven, and spent the two-hour journey admiring the countryside whizzing by. You see, I have a secret love for train journeys - the rhythmic clickety-clack of the wheels on the tracks, the panoramic views… it’s like a dance of its own! I think that’s why I’m such a big fan of ballet, the rhythm and grace of the movement is something I truly connect with. Anyway, I know you are probably tired of hearing about my ballet love-fest so let's get back to the story.

I got to Manchester Piccadilly station and instantly fell in love! The red brick and Victorian elegance were like stepping back in time. The grand halls and arches – pure drama! And speaking of drama, this city is full of it. 🎭

Dancing in Manchester 🩰

As a ballet aficionado, I obviously couldn't resist checking out the Northern Ballet Theatre. Their performance of “The Sleeping Beauty” was a magical experience, every twirl and leap a pure work of art! It’s the little things like seeing the passion and dedication on stage that inspire me, it's contagious. The artistry of the performance and the emotional depth it evoked, made me wish I could be back on stage myself. It's these moments that make the tutu life all worthwhile!

Street style with a touch of pink 💖

Of course, I had to put together a look to match the vibrancy of the city. Today's tutu is definitely my 'statement piece'. It's all about big, bright, American-style tulle - the kind you dream about wearing at your first ballet class. It’s so much fun, even for just wandering around Manchester’s Northern Quarter! The colourful graffiti, indie shops and trendy cafes, all blended beautifully with the tutu's pink charm.

Manchester’s hidden gems:

While you've probably heard of Manchester's legendary music scene, what about its unexpected beauty? You guys know my obsession with wildlife and I was over the moon to discover Heaton Park's stunning grounds. Imagine the beauty - lush parkland, a stately home, and even a herd of deer grazing in the sun! What more could I want? They even had a flock of fluffy swans basking in the afternoon sunlight. It was an amazing contrast to the city's industrial charm and I highly recommend a visit if you are ever in the city.

Bringing the Tutu Revolution 🩰

This trip has reaffirmed my love for this city, its energy, and its unique charm. But most importantly, it’s a reminder that ballet and the love for twirling doesn't just live in the theatre. You can bring the tutu revolution everywhere you go! Whether you’re exploring the urban landscape or enjoying a picnic in the park, let's all find joy in the rhythm and beauty of movement. And hey, maybe Manchester will become a hub for all of us to practice our pirouettes together someday! 💖

Pink tutu on, ladies! Let's go!

That's it for today, lovely dancers! See you in the next post - and don't forget to check out www.pink-tutu.com for daily inspiration and a whole world of tutu loveliness! ❤️

P.S. If you ever see me exploring the world with a pink tutu, say hello! 😉

#TutuBlog 2019-02-16 in Manchester with a american style tutu.