
Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2019-02-23 in Derby with a cyan tutu.

Derby Darling!

Post Number: 8270

Oh my goodness, darlings, what a week it's been! I can't even believe it's Saturday already, the days just seem to be whizzing by. And what a lovely Saturday it is too, sunshine streaming in, just begging to be spent outdoors! But, for this little pink tutu-wearing ballerina, it means it's time for a new blog post. Grab a cuppa and let me fill you in on the fun that's been going on, starting withā€¦ Derby!

This little Derbyshire girl was back on home turf this week, and I just had to share all the delights I discovered, as well as a very special ballet class. Let's start with the most fabulous thing I saw - the Derbyshire Wildlife Trustā€™s ā€œLife of a Moleā€ exhibition at the brilliant Kedleston Hall.

You all know my love of animals, right? From fluffy bunnies and playful kittens to majestic lions and sneaky foxes, Iā€™m a sucker for any creature big or small. And moles? Well, I have to confess, they've never really been my favourites! They spend all day underground, leaving mysterious little mounds in their wake and generally doing things I'm far too girly to be interested inā€¦ but oh, this exhibition! It was utterly captivating. They explained everything there is to know about these little guys ā€“ how they make their burrows, what they eat (mostly worms!), and their role in our ecosystem. I'd honestly forgotten how important they are for the soil and our natural environment.

One thing they did show was how moles communicate. They donā€™t chirp like birds, but use soft clicks and squeaks - which honestly sounds so much more romantic than Iā€™d imagined. Maybe my little mole prejudice needs a re-think!

So if youā€™re ever in Derbyshire and looking for a unique experience, check it out. And youā€™ll be able to admire some magnificent interiors at Kedleston Hall at the same time ā€“ a treat for any architecture and history buff like yours truly!

Speaking of amazing things, my ballet class this week was superb! Iā€™m still buzzing with energy from the whole experience, so hold onto your hats because this story deserves a full-on rave!

Remember how Iā€™ve been saying I need to branch out and find some new challenges? Well, my class was ballet barre for beginners. Yep, you read that right, a brand new, exciting challenge! Now, I know, you're probably picturing me standing proudly, confidently instructing the class. ā€œOoh la la, point those toes, girls,ā€ but I actually signed up as a student! Now, that's not as terrifying as you might think, because this class wasn't your typical high-pressure, super strict setting. It was a bright and spacious studio, with windows looking out onto a tranquil garden, so just a perfect mix of serenity and energy.

As a complete beginner to this, let me tell you, the class was hard. Those muscles were crying out! But oh so rewarding. It was one of those wonderful, feel-good challenges that remind you how far you've come. And even better, all the girls there were just so friendly. It felt like joining a real sisterhood, and we all ended the class giggling and sharing stories. There's nothing quite like sharing those moments of pushing yourself to the limit, especially with a bunch of lovely ladies who all love ballet as much as I do.

The biggest thing I learnt from the experience? The world of barre work is not as glamorous as I imagined. Letā€™s just say my ballet tutu didnā€™t stay on my shoulders for too long in those workout sessions! But honestly, I don't care. It was fantastic. And Iā€™m even tempted to buy a whole barre set for myself ā€“ imagine that, my very own, personalized little ballet studio in the pink-est room you can imagine! I have a feeling I'll be doing this again and again.

To make my week complete, I took a very fashionable trip to Derby! Okay, this is going to be a little confessionā€¦ I have a very specific thing that triggers my love of travel and new adventures. Youā€™ve guessed it: the colour PINK! My latest fascination? The pinkest shop you ever did see in Derby, "The Pink Parlour," it is absolutely charming. I popped in for a browse, of course, and emerged with a beautiful new pink tutu, a cute pair of ballerina flats, and a handful of hand-painted china bunnies. (Those ones aren't as pink, but the design was too adorable to resist). My little bag is practically overflowing with all sorts of new pink goodies, I may need a second one!

After all that excitement, I settled down for a dinner date with my best friend at The Red Lion. Nothing beats a good catch up over tasty grub and a good dose of girl-power gossip. And after all those new experiences, I know Iā€™m feeling stronger and more confident than ever before. My motto now is ā€œlife is too short for plain tutusā€ and the world definitely needs more pink!

To top it all off, my horse, Rosie, was feeling especially sprightly this week, so I had a lovely ride out with her through the Derbyshire countryside. Nothing beats feeling the fresh air whipping through your hair, especially after spending a little time under a barre! We explored a couple of trails near Kedleston Hall that I had never tried before and even went for a cheeky canter across a field.

It feels good to be back in my home county, surrounded by stunning views, friendly faces, and all those fabulous opportunities. Even if a trip home does mean Iā€™ve lost a whole week of sleep! I might have to find a new word for ā€˜tiredā€™ soon, this is feeling much more intense than simple exhaustion. But hey, you canā€™t have an exciting life without a few sleep sacrifices, can you?

Until next time, darling,

Emma x


#TutuBlog 2019-02-23 in Derby with a cyan tutu.