
Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2019-03-04 in Aberdeen with a italian tutu.

Aberdeen Adventures: Tutu Travels & Pink Paradise

#TutuBlog 8279

Hello my gorgeous girlies! Emma here, ready to whisk you away to a glorious adventure in the land of kilts, whiskey, and breathtaking scenery! This time, I’m trading my trusty pink tutu for a sleek, sassy travel outfit (pink, naturally!), because I'm off to explore the captivating city of Aberdeen, Scotland. And trust me, my darlings, this city has truly captured my heart.

From Derbyshire to the North Sea:

I must confess, my dear readers, I took the train journey from Derbyshire with a touch of nervous excitement! Scotland, with its dramatic landscapes and captivating charm, has always been a place of dreams for me, and finally, I was heading north! I was so utterly excited about this new adventure.

My Pink Princess Paradise

It took a mere four hours, whizzing through fields of green, before my journey culminated at Aberdeen station, a bustling hub of activity. The fresh, clean air practically thrummed with energy, a beautiful contrast to the comforting familiarity of home. And, let me tell you, the station itself had me feeling absolutely enchanted. This place had a history that pulsed with every step I took. The gorgeous, grand building seemed to hum with stories whispered across generations. It had an old-world magic I could almost feel – a delicious blend of history and vibrancy, reminding me so much of the theatres I adore!

Of course, my first order of business, my darlings, was a little self-care treat. And Aberdeen was truly kind to me, offering up a divine little tearoom just steps away from the station, with its floral wallpaper and dainty china cups. The perfect place to grab a delicious, comforting, warm latte and tuck into the best afternoon tea, piled high with scrumptious pastries and delectable sandwiches!

A Scottish Waltz Through Aberdeen

After my delectable treat, it was time to unleash my inner explorer! I started my afternoon with a saunter along the picturesque, historic Aberdeen Harbour. The harbour had so many things to see. Boats swaying on the water, seabirds singing, and even a magnificent historic crane! This is a truly romantic place, don't you agree? You can feel the sea air blowing through your hair, the smell of salty water filling your nostrils, it is utterly magical. I took so many photos - this is a place you have to see with your own eyes, my darlings.

But of course, my heart was calling out for some twirls and pirouettes, so after a delightful evening stroll through the streets, I discovered a hidden gem – a beautiful ballet school nestled amongst the cobbles. The studios radiated warmth and excitement, with their gleaming wooden floors and enchanting ambiance. And to top it all off, there was an absolutely stunning Italian tutu – imagine a sky-blue satin, a shimmering tulle skirt that was oh-so-soft and graceful, adorned with a delicate lace design - I just knew I had to take a twirl in this beautiful dress. I could already imagine the feeling of the gorgeous fabric, dancing with me across the stage - it was divine. This tutu definitely won my heart. I bought it and plan on bringing it with me to one of the ballet classes later this week. And trust me, my sweet readers, this ballet school will be making a permanent entry in my travel diaries.

Pink Perfection & Artistic Dreams

In Aberdeen, even the buildings were a masterpiece of color! It’s just full of pink buildings with stunning gothic-inspired architecture, some so striking I just had to take photos with my latest β€˜Tutu Travel Diary’ - my newest camera, a delicate and graceful vintage film camera which my friend bought me for my 20th birthday - I even adorned it with a little pink satin ribbon and a mini, hand-crafted tutu charm! I find I do get quite attached to my little travel camera. I find that every time I get a gorgeous photograph I have captured something about my trip in my little camera. This really is the perfect travelling companion!

The next day, Aberdeen's stunning scenery just stole my breath away. I rode a carriage through a vast, golden expanse of moorlands, stopping for a heart-stopping glimpse at a herd of majestic red deer, grazing in the golden light. They are incredibly beautiful, and seeing them in their natural habitat left me breathless, with the wild wind whispering through the fields and the sound of hooves beating rhythmically on the hard earth. The whole experience was utterly divine.

* A City Filled with Ballet*

For dinner, my love of ballet led me to an elegant bistro nestled in a historical alley. The walls of this stunning little restaurant were decorated with photographs from the Royal Ballet – which got me thinking - maybe there is some secret ballet connection in Aberdeen. What could have been more perfect, than a beautiful ballerina dancing with such grace, against a backdrop of the elegant Scottish landscape. It was simply perfect! It inspired me. As the evenings draw in and the lights begin to twirl with such enchanting beauty, there is something really romantic about Scotland!

And what does every princess need to complete a perfect night out, my lovelies? A ballet performance! The Aberdeen Ballet was showcasing a classical performance at a charming little theatre. It had stunning theatrical lighting, a backdrop with a magnificent chandelier, and all my favourite, beautiful, dramatic costumes. The performance was magical, filled with ethereal costumes and a blend of technical brilliance and elegant story-telling that moved my soul. I left the theatre feeling totally elated, feeling as though I could spin across the moon in my tutu with all the graceful poise of the stunning ballerina. This truly was one for the memory book!

Pink Paradise - Coming to a City Near You

Before leaving the captivating Aberdeen, I decided to try some of the local food, I took myself to a delightful little fish and chip shop on the harbourside and ordered some amazing traditional fish and chips – so light, fluffy and deliciously salty! You really get to know a country when you try the traditional foods and drinks. It truly brings out the charm and character of the region.

I've learnt a few exciting new dance steps - a special scottish folk jig, from a charming local in the bustling market. Maybe I could incorporate this into my choreography! This adventure definitely inspired me to make some exciting changes in my choreography and include new, unique, graceful movements in my dancing routines! My lovely viewers, I really want to show you the impact that a travel journal has on the creative process for a dancer and performer! This really was the perfect holiday and truly made my heart dance.

Goodbye Aberdeen! You've filled my heart with memories and inspiration. Until next time my loves! Now I am heading back to Derbyshire to think about a new ballet choreography and of course, create a dazzling new outfit and start writing some new content. This weekend, I’m sharing a vlog all about the things I found and all about the dance moves and steps I learned on my adventures. So do join me for some fun times at www.pink-tutu.com - a daily pink parade where you will be welcomed with open arms. See you soon!

#TutuBlog 2019-03-04 in Aberdeen with a italian tutu.