
Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2019-03-11 in Oxford with a feather tutu.

Oxford Calling: A Feather Tutu Adventure (Post #8286)

Hello lovelies!

It's Emma here, back from a whirlwind trip to the beautiful city of Oxford! And guess what? I wore a tutu, naturally! But not just any tutu. Oh no, this was a special one โ€“ a feather tutu! It was the perfect outfit for a city brimming with history and elegance. Imagine a flurry of pink feathers swirling through the cobbled streets, past the imposing walls of colleges, catching the sunshine like a thousand tiny rainbows. Magical, right?

Let's be honest, I can't resist a good tutu, especially a feathered one! They just make me feel like a fairytale princess. This one, with its soft blush pink and delicate feathers, was absolutely dreamy. I paired it with a white silk blouse and a pair of silver ballet flats. It was the perfect blend of whimsical and sophisticated, fitting in beautifully with Oxford's charm.

My trip began at Paddington Station, a sprawling Victorian masterpiece of gleaming iron and glass. I love the romance of train travel, the clattering of wheels and the rhythmic sway of the carriage. And of course, I had to take a photo for the gram with my feather tutu, strategically posed next to the iconic Paddington Bear statue. I mean, how could I resist?

Once I reached Oxford, I took a meander through the bustling streets. Everywhere I looked, history seemed to whisper. Grand gothic architecture, quaint bookstores brimming with ancient texts, and the serene beauty of the Thames winding its way through the city โ€“ Oxford is a feast for the eyes.

Of course, I couldn't resist visiting the Sheldonian Theatre. The architecture is breathtaking, with its towering columns and elaborate Baroque carvings. It's almost as if it's been transported from another era, and I could just imagine the crowds of scholars and dignitaries from centuries ago. I even snapped a few pictures twirling on the stage, with my pink feather tutu catching the afternoon light like a delicate bloom.

Ballet in Oxford:

One of the main reasons for my Oxford adventure was the ballet performance I'd been eagerly awaiting. The Oxford Playhouse, a grand, Edwardian gem, hosted a captivating performance of "Swan Lake." It was an utterly enchanting experience, with stunning costumes, intricate choreography, and heartfelt storytelling. Seeing the ballet dancers bring Tchaikovsky's music to life was a beautiful thing. I sat mesmerized, my own little ballet heart throbbing in unison with the music.

Afterwards, I had to pay homage to the local ballet scene. After all, my mantra is to get everyone to try ballet, right? So, I stepped into a lovely little studio nestled amongst the cobblestone streets. As I slipped into my leotard and stretched, I felt a wave of pure joy wash over me. It's amazing how ballet, with its simple beauty and pure movement, has the power to connect us across time and place.

*Nature's Beauty: *

I wouldn't be a true pink tutu girl if I didn't explore the natural beauty of Oxford as well. One of the highlights was my trip to the University Parks. These stunning green spaces offer a blissful escape from the bustling city. I spent an afternoon strolling along winding paths, inhaling the scent of freshly cut grass and wildflowers, watching squirrels scampering and ducks gliding serenely on the lakes. It was such a lovely contrast to the historic architecture and vibrant atmosphere of the city.

And how could I go to Oxford without visiting the Botanic Garden? I just had to see the vibrant flowers and ancient trees! The exotic plants and tranquil walkways are a haven for anyone seeking peace and inspiration.

I couldn't leave without bringing a bit of Oxford home with me, so I treated myself to a whimsical pink hat from one of the quirky shops I discovered. It has a little feather attached โ€“ how perfect is that? It's going to make a fabulous addition to my collection.

A Tutu Full of Love:

Overall, Oxford was an incredible experience, and I'm so grateful for the memories I made. I fell even deeper in love with ballet, felt inspired by the city's history, and discovered some gorgeous new corners of the world.

Oh, and I can't forget my little secret โ€“ a tiny wild rabbit hopped into my path during my time in the University Parks! It was a perfect end to a perfect day.

I can't wait to share my next adventure with you all. Remember, pink is powerful, and so is ballet!

*Till next time, lovelies! *



#TutuBlog 2019-03-11 in Oxford with a feather tutu.