Helloooo my lovely tutufriends! It’s Emma here, and oh my goodness, you wouldn't believe where I've been. The land of punting, university dreaming, and (if you can believe it) even more pink than usual: Cambridge!
Cambridge, the historic city with a river that sparkles like a thousand diamonds and buildings that whisper tales of ancient brilliance, absolutely captivated me. The very air felt charged with inspiration, like every cobblestone I walked on had been trodden by a brilliant mind, or perhaps a very talented dancer in a particularly fabulous pink tutu! (I'm sure it's the former, but a girl can dream!)
As soon as I arrived, I knew I had to embrace Cambridge's whimsical side. The charming little boutiques and bustling cafes made me feel like I was strolling through a real-life fairytale. And speaking of whimsical, what could be more magical than a German tutu, my dear readers? My gorgeous friend Amelia had gifted it to me recently, and it felt like the perfect accessory for my Cambridge adventures! You'll be seeing plenty more of it, I can assure you. It’s an absolute beauty! Imagine an explosion of lilac and rose with a touch of that decadent dark velvet – perfect for an elegant outing.
You see, one of my goals in life is to bring the joy of ballet to everyone, even if it’s just for a few steps. It's the feeling of graceful movements, the music, and the exquisite artistry. Ballet shouldn’t be locked in a theatre; it should be flowing through the streets! So, picture me, pink tutu twirling its way through Cambridge's picturesque avenues. It may have drawn a few puzzled looks – I admit it! – but you know, if even one person smiled, even one person was reminded of the simple joy of moving beautifully, it was all worth it.
Now, I wouldn’t be me if I didn’t incorporate a touch of my beloved ballet into my Cambridge travels. Luckily, there are many fantastic dance schools in the city! I even managed to squeeze in a quick ballet class. I know you'll be happy to hear my favourite step, the pas de bourree, made a glamorous comeback - the tutu must have provided extra motivation, I suppose.
But let’s get back to the German tutu. You may be asking yourselves, why is it a “German tutu”?. Well, It was made in a quaint little shop nestled in the heart of Bavaria. I picked it out on a whimsical train journey. You know I love trains – there’s a freedom in watching the countryside whizz past, and with each whistle and chuff, I feel a sense of adventure rising in my soul. And this was no ordinary trip – It felt like I was stepping into a fairy tale, where mountains met with meadows painted in vibrant green and sunlit castles stood tall against the cerulean sky. I almost felt I had been transported to a storybook – especially once I stepped inside the shop with the scent of freshly cut timber and felt the gentle tap tap tap of fabric on a cutting table! But don't you worry, I wasn't in a fairytale long enough to lose my British roots. My inner Derbyshiregirl emerged, and I carefully selected the most spectacular, pinkest German tutu that could grace my little pink-loving soul.
Oh, and speaking of graceful movements and stories of wonder, the Wildlife Park just outside Cambridge was simply delightful. So many majestic birds soaring through the sky and even the mischievous deer prancing around, it was absolutely incredible to see them all. I know we need to treat our environment and animals with respect and appreciate their magnificence.
Of course, I couldn’t leave Cambridge without visiting its majestic cathedrals. The architecture took my breath away! Each pillar seemed to reach towards the heavens with silent grace and each stained-glass window, filled with vibrant colours, brought a feeling of spiritual tranquility.
Let me tell you, Cambridge, you have left an unforgettable mark on my heart, and I’m already plotting my return! Maybe next time I can experience a delightful rowing trip down the River Cam in a graceful little boat – after all, isn’t it always an adventure when you have a pink tutu in tow!
And now, I want to know, what are YOUR dreams for travel? Which city do you dream of seeing? I want to hear from you all in the comments section below!
Until tomorrow, keep twirling and remember, a pink tutu is always a great excuse to dance through life.
With love and happy twirls,