Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2019-04-12 in Hastings with a white tutu.

Hastings, You Beauty! #8318

Hello darlings!

It's your favourite pink tutu-loving ballerina Emma, and I'm writing to you live from Hastings! This beautiful seaside town has truly stolen my heart - just like that cheeky seagull who tried to nab my cupcake earlier (don't worry, I got my sweet treat in the end!).

You know how much I adore travelling, and a journey on a scenic train is truly the best way to do it. My morning started in Derbyshire, sipping on a latte with a side of fairy cake at my local cafe - which, coincidentally, had a rather exquisite collection of vintage ballet shoes! (You'll never guess what my afternoon treat is going to be…)

The train ride to Hastings was absolutely glorious. Lush green fields whizzing by, a glimpse of the glittering sea, and, of course, the perfect opportunity to do some sketching. I even managed to spot a herd of deer in a field - imagine that! I do love spotting wildlife in the wild, don't you? Makes you appreciate the simple things in life, you know?

When I finally reached Hastings, I was greeted by a beautiful day. The air was crisp and fresh, with the sound of the seagulls filling the air. The smell of salt and fish and chips lingered in the air (oh yes, I indulged! They truly are a seaside staple!)

The town is just lovely! All those pretty little shops, the traditional seaside arcades with their flashing lights and arcade games, the stunning seafront promenade, the historic fishing boats bobbing on the water, and the friendly faces – it was just delightful. You really feel the charm of the place!

But of course, no trip is complete without a touch of pink and a whole lot of tutus, am I right?! Now, I’m not usually a big one for shopping (okay, maybe a little!), but when I saw that pink, frilly, full-length tutu peeking at me from behind a rack at a local vintage boutique, it was like destiny called out to me! I knew I had to have it!

Now, I know you’re wondering why, and it’s because it was the perfect tutu for a seaside day! The colours of the town and the beach complemented the tutu, and the ruffles billowed gloriously in the gentle breeze, like the most beautiful ballet performance!

It turns out, this vintage boutique owner was a former ballet dancer too! Can you imagine? And so, it goes without saying, she loved my passion for all things tutu! We got to talking about our love for ballet, the joy it brings to us, and even had a quick little tutu twirl in the shop! I mean, when in Hastings, right?

That evening, I strolled along the beachfront in my glorious tutu. It's so light and airy that you forget you're even wearing anything! I felt like a little princess out of a fairytale - but even better, a pink princess with the power of dance and freedom!

My evenings were filled with the charm of Hastings, its seaside energy. I stumbled across this delightful little open-air stage where a group of young dancers were performing for the local audience! Their passion for the art was clear, and the energy radiating from the stage was contagious. You know I had to grab myself a front-row seat! Those grand jetes! The elegance of their arabesques! Their leaps were high, their turns swift! My goodness! They even included a modern piece with a hint of rock n’ roll!

Oh, I had to chat with the group after! They were all just so enthusiastic! We ended up sharing our ballet stories - they had no idea who I was, but it felt amazing to connect with other lovers of this beautiful art form. Maybe it will inspire some of them to dream big, maybe one day I'll see their names on the billboard in the Royal Opera House, you never know. It was a joy, a delight, a real pleasure.

I can't forget to mention the delicious food I had! Hastings has some great local restaurants that have embraced the “food-sharing experience” in such a wonderful way. You just order all these delicious-looking tapas plates to share with friends - or even with a perfect stranger!

So, what was my ultimate takeaway from my trip to Hastings?

Well, first, you can wear your tutu absolutely anywhere. I mean, why shouldn’t you?

Second, you need to visit Hastings. Trust me! It’s charming, it’s quirky, it’s friendly and it has the perfect seaside vibe.

Finally, embrace the beauty in every day. That perfect cup of coffee in the morning, those deer gazing back at you from a field, the vibrant dance of a seagull gliding effortlessly on the breeze. And if a pink tutu is what brings you joy, well then darling, put it on and embrace it, twirl like you mean it! Because you are an artist, a queen, a ballerina, and the world is your stage!

Stay pink, Emma xo

#TutuBlog 2019-04-12 in Hastings with a white tutu.