Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2019-04-14 in Stevenage with a orange tutu.

Stevenage: Tutu Adventures in a Sunny Shade of Orange! 🍊

Helloooo, darlings! It’s your favourite tutu-tastic blogger Emma here, and guess what?! It's time for another exhilarating adventure in the wonderful world of dance! 💃

This week, I've found myself whisked away to Stevenage. Not exactly a name that immediately conjures up images of tutus and twirls, is it? But that's the beauty of travelling - you never know where the next whimsical ballet experience is hiding! 💖

This is blog post number 8320 for those of you keeping score at home (you know who you are!) and just like every single day, I've woken up bursting with excitement for what adventures this pink tutu is going to be wearing!

Today, I was feeling especially adventurous and I decided on a beautiful, brand new, vibrant orange tutu. Orange?! Yes, darling, you heard right. We have to break free from those dusty, old preconceived notions of "ballet colour" every now and again, don't you think?! And honestly, orange is one of those bright, bold colours that makes a statement, much like my ballet career, hehe! 😉

As usual, the train journey to Stevenage was a joy. There’s nothing like watching the world zoom by while immersed in my favourite ballet music, my trusty travel playlist a soundtrack to my daydreams. You know, those thoughts of perfectly executed pirouettes, graceful leaps and a stage brimming with shimmering lights. ✨

Speaking of, I am so incredibly excited to be heading to the heart of the Stevenage Performing Arts Centre later this afternoon. It's hosting the North Herts School of Ballet’s annual show and I’m hearing it's going to be a breathtaking production featuring a mix of classical ballet pieces and exciting modern dances. This school has always had a reputation for excellence, so I have the highest expectations!

My heart always feels a little bit warmer watching talented young dancers who are passionate about ballet. It's a joy to see those expressive faces, to see those eager little feet just beginning to blossom. Seeing their enthusiasm always reminds me why I love ballet so much, and why it's something we should all share. ❤️

But let’s be honest, no trip is complete without a little something for my own dance-loving heart, right? 😉

Ballet in the Beautiful Outdoors

Right now, I'm sat in the most stunning little park nestled amongst rolling countryside, just a short distance from Stevenage. You wouldn't believe it but I have a ballet class with my absolute favourite instructor, Anya, planned for later this evening right here. Isn't that incredible?

Imagine: birds singing their sweet little melodies in the background, a gentle breeze through my hair, and me, in my orange tutu, elegantly stretching, and pirouetting under the dappled sunlight! I can already feel those endorphins soaring!

It really does not get much better than dancing surrounded by nature. It's such a great way to remind yourself that ballet is something to be celebrated beyond the walls of a studio.

This is just a little taste of my exciting adventures today, but as the old saying goes, "The best things in life are often the unexpected" (or at least I think that's how it goes!).

But speaking of expectations, you’ve just got to believe me when I tell you: my Stevenage adventure has already blown my mind! So let’s carry on with the adventures, shall we?

Pink Tutu Challenge Continues! 💖

Of course, we can’t leave out my most important mission: spreading the love and joy of ballet far and wide! And that's exactly what I plan to do here in Stevenage. This little town may not be the first place that springs to mind for ballet, but we're going to change that, don't you worry!

Every adventure is a chance for a new pink tutu recruit, isn’t it?

My little plan today is to start a dance-along with some passersby! I've packed a playlist filled with our all-time ballet hits and I’ve already gathered enough bright pink tutus (in varying sizes!) to go around for a small impromptu performance!

Who’s with me? Let's show everyone in Stevenage that ballet is not just for the stage – it's for everyone, everywhere!

After all, we all have the power to move the world one twirl at a time. Don't be afraid to stand out, be a little bold and take that first step. 👣

Don’t forget to join me on www.pink-tutu.com to catch up on all the fun! We'll have some stunning photographs and a recap of my adventures here in Stevenage! 💖

Keep shining and stay tuned, my dearest dancers, as the adventure continues!

XOXO, Emma 💋

#TutuBlog 2019-04-14 in Stevenage with a orange tutu.