Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2019-05-23 in Hornchurch with a cheap tutu.

Hornchurch Hoorah! Tutu Adventures #8359 🩰💖

Hello, my darlings! Emma here, your favourite pink-tutu-clad, ballet-obsessed blogger, coming to you live from the lovely town of Hornchurch, Essex!

It's been a while since my last adventure outside of Derbyshire. The Derbyshire Dales have their charms, with their rolling hills and cosy country pubs, but there's nothing quite like a day trip to the big city (or, in this case, a lovely town like Hornchurch!).

Now, as you all know, I love my tutus - all colours, shapes, and sizes! But for today's adventure, I decided to go for something a little… well, cheaper than usual! 😉 I spotted this absolute bargain of a tutu online - pale pink with layers of tulle that were as soft as a baby’s bottom. Let’s just say I got a serious case of ‘new tutu syndrome’, and knew I had to get out and twirl it around!

But where to go? This time, I wasn't just chasing another ballet performance (though, honestly, a visit to the Royal Opera House is always a dream come true!). Instead, I had something much more special planned… a trip to the wildlife park! Yes, my lovelies, my heart belongs to both ballerinas and critters, and Hornchurch's Havering Country Park boasted all kinds of furry, feathery, and scaled friends for me to meet.

So, I boarded a train – an old-fashioned carriage with plush seats that reminded me of a scene from a vintage film – and with the soft glow of the rising sun reflecting off the dew on the fields, I was off on my way. There's something undeniably romantic about train travel, wouldn't you agree? It allows your mind to wander, to create stories and dream of grand adventures.

Upon arriving at Hornchurch, the first thing that greeted me was a colourful burst of life. There were fragrant rose bushes, their petals blushing a vibrant pink just like my new tutu, and the chirping of happy birds in the trees. Even the air felt alive with excitement, promising a day of exploration.

And explore I did! Havering Country Park was a haven for wild creatures of all kinds. I met a mischievous family of foxes, their bushy tails twitching with amusement as they sniffed around a fallen log. The majestic deer, with their velvet-soft coats and graceful antlers, watched me with quiet curiosity as I spun beneath a canopy of rustling leaves. I even spotted a tiny blue butterfly, its wings shimmering like sapphires against the vibrant green backdrop of the park.

But my highlight of the day? Meeting a friendly young peacock! With his stunning plumage, boasting all the colours of the rainbow, he was a true testament to nature’s artistry. As he strutted about, showing off his magnificence, I couldn't help but twirl in unison, my pink tutu a whimsical counterpoint to his iridescent display.

My inner ballerina wouldn't be satisfied with just observing. I found myself feeling inspired to incorporate some graceful ballet movements into my exploration of the park. Balancing on a fallen branch, I imagined myself as a woodland nymph, swaying to the rhythm of nature's symphony. My cheap tutu, with its simple yet delicate layers, allowed me to feel both ethereal and playful, perfectly complementing the whimsy of the surroundings.

Of course, no trip is complete without some delicious treats. I indulged in a delectable afternoon tea at a charming cafe in the town, the fragrant aroma of freshly baked scones and the delicate clinking of china cups completing the picture-perfect afternoon.

My heart, my dears, was bursting with joy and inspiration as I journeyed back to Derbyshire on the evening train. This day trip reminded me of the power of simple things, of the beauty found in both nature and ballet. It also reaffirmed my unwavering belief that everyone can, and should, wear a pink tutu at some point in their life!

And, with that, I must bid you adieu for now, but promise to return soon with another pink tutu-filled escapade! Until then, embrace the beauty around you, embrace your inner ballerina, and remember – twirl, always twirl! 💕✨

Love, Emma


#TutuBlog 2019-05-23 in Hornchurch with a cheap tutu.