Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2019-06-24 in Folkestone with a nature themed tutu.

Folkestone Fancy: A Nature-Themed Tutu Adventure!

Post #8391 - www.pink-tutu.com

Hello, my darlings! Emma here, bringing you another fabulous adventure from your favourite tutu-wearing traveller! Today I'm whisking you away to the charming coastal town of Folkestone, Kent, with a tutu twist!

This trip was all about embracing the great outdoors, so I decided to pack a special nature-themed tutu. Picture it - a gorgeous pink tulle skirt layered with delicate foliage details. Think lush green leaves, dainty pink blossoms, and a sprinkling of tiny white butterflies fluttering across the fabric. Absolutely delightful!

I boarded the train from my Derbyshire home, excitement bubbling inside me. Travelling by train always fills me with a sense of romance. It’s like a miniature ballet performance – the clickety-clack of the wheels on the tracks, the rhythmic swaying of the carriages, and the breathtaking scenery passing by the window. The world becomes a stage!

Folkestone welcomed me with open arms and the most beautiful sunshine! The town was bustling with activity, a lively mix of seaside charm and cosmopolitan energy. First things first – a pit stop for some delectable fish and chips (you can't go to the coast without them!). It was a delightful little chippy right on the harbourfront. They even served it with mushy peas - bliss!

Feeling well-fed and full of sunshine, I embarked on a little coastal adventure. My tutu was practically gliding on the breeze, and the breeze seemed to whisper words of inspiration. As I walked, the air filled with the cries of seagulls, the gentle crashing of waves, and the happy laughter of families enjoying the sunshine.

One of my favourite parts of Folkestone was the amazing shingle beach! I couldn't resist twirling my nature-themed tutu on the pebbled shore, the bright blue sky mirroring the colours of the tulle. Every twirl felt like a ballet performance with the wind and the sea as my audience.

It wouldn't be a Folkestone adventure without a visit to the iconic Creative Folkestone! This town is truly an artist's haven, filled with stunning sculptures, installations, and public art that makes you feel like you're stepping into a dream. I found myself completely captivated by the “Lost and Found” piece on the seafront – it was like a giant abstract tapestry of forgotten items brought together. Perfect for capturing my tutu-wearing moments on camera!

My heart couldn't resist a peek into the world of The Rotunda, an Art Deco gem in Folkestone. This stunning building was a vision of elegance, with its flowing lines, dazzling interior, and beautiful panoramic views of the sea. They also have exhibitions and special events throughout the year, so definitely worth a visit if you're ever in the area.

To top it all off, I even took a dip in the English Channel (it's a must for any seasoned adventurer!). Even though I wore a swimsuit under my tutu (of course), the water was absolutely bracing! My body still tingles with that invigorating chill even now.

As the sun began to set, I found myself standing on the harbourfront, a wave of happy emotions washing over me. This trip to Folkestone was everything I hoped for and more – the fresh air, the stunning views, the artistic spirit, and the delicious fish and chips. I wouldn't trade it for the world!

Pink Tutu Challenge!

My darling readers, I encourage you to find your own inner ballerina and explore the world in the most fabulous way – with a tutu! I know what you’re thinking, "I'm not a dancer." Well, darling, that's where you’re wrong! You don't need to be a professional ballerina to wear a tutu. It's about embracing joy, expressing yourself, and embracing your inner fairy princess (or maybe even a wild and wonderful woodland creature with my new nature-themed tutu). So, come on! Find your nearest shop, grab a pink tutu and twirl your way into a world of fun!

Don't forget to snap pictures and share them on Instagram with #PinkTutuAdventure!

Until next time,

With twirling love and joy,

Emma xx

#TutuBlog 2019-06-24 in Folkestone with a nature themed tutu.